Your Light Only

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'Sorry... Sorry for the thing I am about to do. I can't bring myself to continue, you are the only light in my life but I'm afraid someone will eventually steal you to light up their own life. I can't handle the thought of that. You know how they treat me at school, you were my only friend. Remember the day in 7th grade when Carter pushed me into the wall and concussed me, you were the first person and only person who stayed by my side in the infirmary. Not even my parents came and your father had to drive me home. That's when I knew you were everything I ever wished for... I guess this is a confession, well, I will confess to everything and anything. I never have loved my father; to be honest I think he never loved me either. My scars will show for the lack of love, he blames me for mother, I think? Even I don't know why he hurts me. In 15 years all that I have to show are scars from cigarette butts and punches so hard that it fractured my ribs. The long days I had in suicidal therapy only to come home to hear my father say "Why don't you just do it already? Or I'll do it for you." His girlfriend wasn't much better. She touched me when I was 8... That was the year that I completely lost all my innocence. Two years earlier I lost mum... the first of only two people I ever loved. Mum was so compassionate; father burnt all the photos of her when I was 7, I cried all night for her to come to sing me to sleep. She wasn't a very good singer but no matter what it would calm me down when she would sing Hey Jude to me. After Father beat the living shit out of me, he proceeded to burn all the memories I had of my Mother... The only thing I have left is her ring. That rose gold ring. You have seen me wear it on my left ring finger all the time, people make jokes saying that I'm married but in truth, it is protection. I'm not the most religious person and to be honest I don't care about if the world was built in 40 days and 40 nights so the Christians could leave Egypt from the Greeks. But I have a feeling when I wear that ring that mum is always looking over me... But to get to my point, I'm giving it to you. I mentioned the only two people I have loved... Well the second is you, Lauren. You are the light. I want you to have this ring to always remember me. I have loved you ever since that day in the infirmary, I think you knew it too, but I understand why you never acknowledged my love. Who would want to date the suicidal weirdo? You were my only friend and now I can fully admit that I love you. From your beautiful long brown hair that sits so perfectly on your shoulder blade, to that mole on your neck that you're so conscious about. Most of all what I will miss is your unnatural optimism, even in the shroud of all my pessimism. So I'm glad my last memories will be of you... Lauren. I will Love you until everything ceases to exist. Maybe I can look over you and be in envy from any boy who falls in awe of that glistening light you possess... So long and good night.'


Lauren Nystrom held the note to her chest as if her heart and his were somehow interconnected even though his beat had ceased.

Her eyes and the collar of her pyjama top were soaked. She had to come to Alexei's house soon as he texted her 'Sorry for everything.' She had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. As soon as she arrived and saw an ambulance out the front she knew that her intuition was sickly true. Though she had hoped it was going to be false for the whole half an hour trip.

"Alex..." she gently wept. Nothing in all her life had been so sad. Her best friend had just died, committed suicide, hung himself. His parents only noticing ten minutes earlier. After she read the letter she wanted to kill them. Her blood boiled as she read the content concerning his 'parents'

'They couldn't be parent's assholes.' her thoughts exploring the possibilities on how to murder the people who lead to her Alex's suicide.

Three men in medical attire consulted the crying father. Lauren wished she could just go up to them and give him a piece of her mind.

She knew deep down she loved him. Alexei was a quiet boy but she drew to him, it was a bond she couldn't explain, unexplainable in both their eyes. She always felt bad for him before they were even friends. He was constantly bullied because of the way he acted and the music he liked.

Lauren tried so hard to stand up for him, but how could she? She didn't want to get bullied. How could she stand up for him? She was only human after all. She never was a superhero.

But that day in the infirmary when Alex was concussed, she sat by his unconscious body crying, silently sulking. She had to stay by his side; this boy needed her more than ever. But how could she change his life? She was only human after all.

The paramedic came up to her. "I'm sorry but we tried to revive him... His heart died too long ago though. I'm truly sorry." he gave her the nicest eyes to try to consult her easily but she didn't want consulting she wanted justice. Her boy had just hung himself and how can you all stand idly by and not punish the murders that stood in their very midsts?

"Can I say my last goodbye..." she managed to whimper out. Her voice cracking due to the swell of emotion overcoming her.

"Of course." he lead her out of the door and to the ambulance, a crowd had gathered to witness the commotion, one of the ambulance men told them to go home. Trying desperately to get them away from the scene of this most despicable murder.

"Here he is."

The body had a sheet over it. For obvious reasons of course.

"Remove it." Lauren demanded.

"Are you sure?" He queried.

"Yes. Do it."

The sheet was removed and Lauren stood stern, but on the inside she was screaming. The body was stiff and his skin was starting to lose its pigment. His eyes still wide open, red, crimson red from the asphyxiation. But the blue grey irises were brighter than they ever had been.

She shed a tear. Then recited their favourite song.

"What's the worse that I could say? Things are better if I stay. So long and goodnight, so long not goodnight." her breaths becoming more irregular and her heart pounding to a rhythm unmatched by anything she had felt before. She was staring at the corpse of the only boy she had ever loved and never even got the chance to say 'I love you'.

Lauren leant in, closing his eyes with her thumb and index finger. She brushed the blonde hair from out of his face and then proceeded to kiss him on the lips, for the first and last time. "I always loved you Alex." Her warm tear hit the cold lifeless skin of the 15 year old boy.

What if she dated him? Would she be in this situation? She could've been kissing his living body. She was afraid to. She always knew she loved him. But she couldn't bring herself to say it. Now she would always look back thinking what could have been.

She stepped out of the ambulance and the father of Alexei grabbed her shoulder, she was immediately filled with disgust.

"You were his only friend Lauren, I'm glad he had a friend like you." she gave him a disapproving frown.

"You were the worst father he could've ever had." She pushed his hand away from her shoulder and trudged away slowly she reached into her top breast pocket. Reaching past the note she grabbed the ring. That Rose Gold ring, and slid it onto her left ring finger.

"I'm only human. But I was your light and that's all that matters to me."

So this was more on the dark side... Yeah... Anyway. This was actually a 'Plan B' for my Assessment. My original idea was going to be too many words, so i decided to adapt one of my many story ideas into a short story. This was trial chapter for my story 'True Love Never Dies' so if you guys show support I might turn it into a full blown story. We will see how it pans out. I received a 8/10 mark for this. Could've done better but i was happy in the end. I also used this as my dramatic reading task which am yet to receive the marks back yet. So thank you for taking the time to read this and keep smiling Humans!


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