The young time lord

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I was at Amy and rory's wedding "you may now kiss the bride" Amy and Rory kissed. I rolled my eyes "eww" the doctor(my dad) heard me he lightly kicked me when the wedding was over Amy ,Rory,the doctor and I went to the tardis Amy and Rory changed into regular clothes while me and the doctor screwed around with some timey wimey stuff "hey can you hand me that fez?" the doctor pointed to a fez on the floor I picked it up and tossed it to the doctor "so what race of aliens are we going to kill today?" Amy said sarcasticly "well it's not aliens but its defenitly somthing " he said happily " its daleks screwing up some timey wimey stuff" he said "ugh " I said "well here we are !" we all stepped out of the tardis twelve daleks were there to greet us rather unkindly "EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE" the daleks said trying to murder us the doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and scanned them "dad, I don't think scanning them is going to help "I said "you always seem to bring that screwdriver thing but never thinks to bring a weapon" Rory said "you're right but this usually kills them '' the doctor said putting away the sonic screwdriver "dad, it's obviously broken .or the daleks found a way to disable it ...." I said we stepped back into the tardis "well we will definatly fix that up '' the doctor said.

First chapter!!! Hope you liked it the next chapter will be out soon !!

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