Chapter 2

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   When we pulled up and came to a stop, I noticed the Garden party was beautiful. Elegantly placed flowers of colors white and red were dancing in the light wind as it carried the petals of the dead flowers that were once there away. The coachman came around to each of the doors and once again helped our footing in the carriage. It's funny at times; they never seem to make eye contact.

"Thank you." I said politely doing a small curtsy as I stepped out. He was a nice man, always helped with no complaints. He gave no answer to my word of appreciation, but I know he isn't technically allowed to say anything to me, technically I'm not supposed to say anything to him in the first place. I looked left and right at all the people, most of them had no name to me. I see Lord Ascot and his wife walk towards Margret and I , doing a small bow and curtsy to greet us, we returned the act. I didn't want to say anything to them, I suppose you could say I was holding a bit of a grudge.

Lord Ascot walked away, leaving his lady to talk with us about how beautiful the garden is, that is the polite thing to do, after all.

"This garden is absolutely beautiful, what a delight to be a part of this event, thank you so much for inviting us along this fine evening." Margret started the exchange with a smile.

"Of course darling, anything for you and the lovely Alice." Mrs. Ascot wasn't a fan of me at all. If anything, I was sure she hated me. I didn't know the reason of course, but I'm sure it has something to do with my character. "Come. Take a walk with me won't you, Alice?" before I could give any objections, Margret interrupted. "She would love to. Wouldn't you Alice?" I could see in her eyes that I had no choice in this matter, I was going with her on a walk whether I liked it or not.

   We walked off and began through the maze the garden held in all it's beauty. "Dear Alice..." Her voice began to trail off while still retaining her erect and proper form. "You have quite the imagination from what I've heard."

   "Sometimes. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." I am trying to make conversation I really am, but I'm not sure how to engage in conversation with her. She is so serious and proper, I am no where near willing to grow up and become a proper woman like that; not anytime in the near future. 

   She gave me a weird and puzzled look. "What an odd thing to say..." I could see her disapproval. "Truth is, I don't think you're right for my son. With him and his digestion. To be blunt I don't think you are mature enough to care for my son, and I don't think you ever will be."

   "Well to be blunt, Lady Ascot, I think your son is too bland to be called my husband." With that I fastened my paced and walked farther into the garden maze. To the side of me out of the corner of my eye, I could've sworn I saw something moving in the bushes, but I am too upset to really hold that much concern about something as silly as a bird. As I continue walking, I see another animal moving in the bushes, I can't help but hide my peeked curiosity. 

   I stopped and glanced towards the bushes. through the roses I see a white rabbit holding a... is that a... it can't be. Is that pocket watch? I suppose so. The rabbit holds out the pocket watch supposedly towards my direction and taps it as if telling me to look upon its golden frame and silver shining hands. "This is a very bad idea... Let's do it!" All my mixed emotions faded away and I smiled, following the rabbit. "I must be absolutely mad." I said giving my head a tad shake and running after the what I thought to be the imaginary rabbit. 

   The rabbit went through many twists and turns in the maze, so much so that I'd forgotten how to find myself back at the party. When the rabbit finally stopped, it looked back at me before what seemed like disappearing into thin air. "Curiouser and curiouser." I followed the rabbit around the tree where it had disappeared and looked at the gaping hole that stood at the foot of the tree. "What on earth..." I looked down into the hole at the bottom of the tree and leaned in. It looks almost as if there's something there, almost as if I could reach in and grab--

   Not to my surprise, there was nothing there for me to grab, but rather something there to grab me.

   A/N:  Sorry for the short chapter, but this is how I'm writing mys tory so oh well, I hope you enjoy it anyways!

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