Chapter 37: beginnings

Start from the beginning

"And I know that removing Dashiell is important, but..." Levi sighed again. "I'm tired of people saying it's for the good of the base, for the good of the group. I can't walk on my own, Alcott. My parents left me in cryo until we reached the planet. Then I spent four extra years in cryo, and now I don't get to pick my career? When does it end? What else does this place want from me?"

"You're the best of us," she replied.

"Non, I'm not," he snorted. "Seasons, it was just two weeks ago you were picking me off the floor."

His blonde hair fell into his eyes and Alcott smoothed it out of his face.

"Maybe you should talk to Tyson when he starts taking appointments," she suggested. "I've found him helpful to talk to. Maybe you would too."


It was an odd response. Levi sat up and took Alcott's hands in his.

"Dashiell wasn't able to pass the genetics bill," he said. "Dylan removed him from captain before that could happen."

Alcott blinked once and then nodded.

"Madison is supposed to bring it up next meeting with better data, but...I don't think they'll rule in your favor. They seem opposed to changing the law."

"All right," she said because she could think of nothing to say.

"Tyson is welcome to stay with Dylan and me," Levi offered. "Especially while congress is still deliberating. I don't want you to feel stressed because he's here."

"He's not stressful," Alcott sighed. "Tyson's good about giving me space or letting me rant or cry. I just...I don't want another partner, Levi. I have the people I need in my life. I have you."

She squeezed his hand, and he responded with a smile. A part of her was reminded of what Tyson had said about Levi and Alcott seeming like a couple. That was rotated, she thought. They were just best friends.

"So what's our plan?" she asked. "Should I go talk to Vertov?"

"Ugh, I think I'm done with plans for a while," Levi groaned. "I'm taking the day off. Let's go check on your beans in botany and then get some tea. Dylan drank all the tea at our berth."

"That sounds like a plan," she teased.

Alcott helped Levi up and the two of them made their way to botany. He seemed to be cheering up a little, she thought, though she doubted that going to botany would actually make him feel better. Anatoly met them at the door, giving Levi a hug when he entered.

"How are you doing?" she asked.

"I've been better," he admitted. "Resigned, I guess. I can make the most of it. How are you?"

Anatoly released Levi with a sigh. "I'm tired," she admitted. "I have talked to most people about the vote; the moonshy amount of things that people think you know or think you can do is quite remarkable. You're a legend, Levi. I can't say I blame them for thinking you should be on congress. I just wish it had been on our terms."

He nodded. "We came by to see if Winston had killed Alcott's beans yet."

"I have not!" called Winston indignantly. "They're fine."

"And to get some tea," Alcott added. "Not just to scare Winston."

"Well you know you are welcome here anytime," Anatoly said. "If you want to work on archives here I wouldn't mind. It's been two days and I already miss having you about."

"I do have most of the catalog memorized," Levi agreed. "And I haven't written it down, it would only make sense that I stay until I do that."

"Then it's settled," Anatoly laughed. "You just have that one office for your whole department; that's not a conducive working environment."

Levi managed a grin and Alcott felt a little relieved that Levi wouldn't be gone, at least for now. She didn't want to hunt him down somewhere in personnel when she wanted to talk to him.

"Your partner is something else, isn't she?" Anatoly inquired. "When she pulled out that video, I thought Dashiell was going to crawl into the vent. Did you know about it?"

"Non," Levi replied, smile gone. "Non, she didn't tell me."

Anatoly seemed to note the mood shift and shrugged. "I can't say I'm surprised. She's very good at all of that."

"What do you mean?" Alcott inquired.

"The politics of the base," Anatoly explained. "She had congress arguing over whether or not we should have the Canary land and then was bringing members onto the base before a single vote was cast. Environmental for a while was the largest department, and even now they print more than most of the others combined. Of course, we need air to breathe, but we need food and shelter as well. If someone told her no, she would find someone else who would agree and then work around the system. She didn't become the youngest department head because we thought she wasn't serious. You just weren't around for most of this, Levi. She mellowed when you were finally awake."

"She had been mellows," Levi corrected. "I'm not sure what she is now."
So...Levi isn't exactly happy with Dylan. And we've seen what Dylan thinks of the situation. It's a mess.
This is the end of the book. I don't have a preview for you guys, I totally meant to, but I haven't had a chance to work on the next one. I'll hopefully have another update by Monday!

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