7 months later

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Austin pov

My mama and daddy are together finally and my mama is about to have a baby yay but I hope it's not a girl cause boys gonna be all up on her and a nigga will get shot I got connections from gangs members my mama told me and A'lonté if something happens in the streets as we get older we got people . and my mama know niggas that kill folk

Ski pov

I'm about to have another child it's gonna be a girl I'm 7 months I think I'll name her. Athena Skilen Alsina

August pov

I'm happy I'm back with ski I've missed her so much and she's about to have our baby

A'lonté pov

Yeah nigga my time speak but my mama is having a baby I'm just hoping its not a girl cause if a nigga come at my sister they gonna be 6 ft in the ground but as you can see yes I'm bad as hell I know what you thinking why he 6 cussing like that and is so disrespectful and is he like that at school well nigga you don't know my struggle I've done been through so much shit more then and average 21 year old nigga and I'm only 6 and my mama said respect others who respect you so if you grown and coming at me sideways imma cuss you out and I'm like my dad I look like him but more like my mama I'm a pretty boy but I got my dad and mama personality mixed so of course imma gonna be bad as hell

Austin pov

Yes I'm bad as hell but not A'lonté bad that nigga is Horrible he cussed out are teacher and he got suspended 3 times already and he pushed me down the stairs and he be talking back he's just bad I don't know why he just his.


Sorry it's short this is what I wanted to do for this chapter how is it


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