Slip of the Tongue - Part 6

Start from the beginning

"Ah, Chiaki!" He was surprised as he sat on the sofa, blushing. He noticed that the girl just took a bath. "W-what time is it?" He asked, trying to divert his thoughts.

"6:40." She answered.

"Ah! It's still early! Can I sleep some more minutes?" He tried to avoid to look at Chiaki with his 'just woke up' face. He tried to position his body back on the sofa.

"Ah! No, no, no. Breakfast is served already. We need to eat it." Chiaki ordered as she tried to prevent her friend from lying down.

"Arf! Arf!" Kiki barked.

"Eh?!" Shuta was shocked as he suddenly stood up. "Ah, Kiki, hello." He greeted.

"Look, you made her angry. She wants to eat already." Chiaki explained.

"I can live the day without having breakfast. You two can go ahead." He said, but Chiaki started to frown seriously. "Oi, are you mad already?" He thought.

"Okay. Okay. I'll eat with you. I'll just wash my face first." He then headed to the bathroom to freshen up his face. He went straight to the dining table after.

"What do you have here?" He asked, looking at the food on the table. "Woah! Ramen! Did you prepare it?" His face looked excited. Chiaki nodded her head while smiling.

"That's why we should eat it already, before it gets cold." She said.

"Ah. Thank you." He said as he sat on a chair. "Let's eat!" He sipped first on the soup. "Ah! It's delicious!"

"Thank you." Chiaki giggled. A doorbell was then heard. Shuta looked at Chiaki.

"You're expecting a visitor today?" He asked.

"Actually...Nope..." Chiaki answered. "Hm... Who could that be?" She said, clueless. She stood up and went to her door. She was about to turn the knob when Shuta suddenly spoke up.

"Ah wait, Chiaki!" He shouted.

"Eh? What?" She asked.

"Whoever is behind that door, I'm pretty sure they have no idea that I'm here, ne? That's why... Um... I mean... Should I... hide?" He askd shyly. Chiaki laughed at him.

"Hahaha! Shu-chan, why are you embarrassed? There's nothing wrong if you're here-"

"Don't be stupid! I'm wearing your clothes!" He suddenly exclaimed. "Tsk! Whatever. I'll just change quickly in the bathroom." Chiaki continued to laugh at him. "She's really dumb, not even thinking people might judge her wrongly because I'm here." He thought as he entered the bathroom. As he closed the door, he could hear that Chiaki has opened the front door and welcomed her visitors.

"I wonder who could that be." He thought while taking a quick shower. "Ah, what if that person is Dr. Ken? At least I'll have this chance to meet him." He quickly dried himself and put on his clothes. He tried his best to dry his hair so as not to make it look like he just took a bath.

"Okay, I'm ready." He thought as he slowly opened the door. As he was walking to the dining area, he had a view of the visitors.

"Eh?" He bowed his head to give greetings, surprised to see two persons, a man and a woman, there.

"If that man is Dr. Ken, then he must be old already." He thought, making judgments about the man's age. "And he seemed to be married already." He chuckled. "Yes! At least, I don't need to bother myself-" His thoughts were suddenly disturbed by Chiaki's voice.

"There he is! This is Shuta, but I call him Shu-chan." She said.

"Ah, good morning Ma'am and Sir." Shuta greeted, bowing his head. "I'm Sueyoshi Shuta, Chiaki's co-member in AAA." He introduced himself.

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