Is there an Actual Chance?

15 1 0

Why does
My heart do this?
It doesn't help
The crushing
That flows around the rest of me.

It makes me too nosey,
So I can't use it alone
You can't pump feelings
Into someone.

For love, in a romantic way,
These feelings must come
And the logic,
The squishy, achy logic
Isn't needed
If they like you back.

It's truly attack to you
When the pump
Is the last resort.
When, in desperation,
You are caught.

But I can be patient,
I can be supportive
So must not ask the question
Until results have a chance
No one likes
An awkward dance.

And, the nagging question
Can't be escaped
At times when I can't assume
For all of this, I must wait.
If they tell me
There's an actual chance
Because none of this
Can be rushed.

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