"Yeah, come in."

"Hey, Amy, we just wanted to talk. We've been worried about you. You've been acting weird lately. It's not like you not to drink with the guys." Sarah said.

"Yeah, I know, it's just that I haven't felt like myself lately. That's all." That was an understatement.

"Well do you want to talk about it? You know you can tell us anything, Amy, we're always here for you. So, tell us what's wrong girl." 

"Well, you have to promise not to tell anyone! Especially not Brian!" I whisper shouted.

"Your secret is safe with us." Val reassured.

"Well...." I sighed and took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant." There it was out there. I instantly started feeling better. The girls immediately started squealing. Oh great, they're going to draw everyone back here.

"Shhh! You guys are going to make everyone flock back here!" 

"Oh my gosh, Amy! How long have you known! How far along are you!? This is so exciting! Why are you still going through with this tour?? It could be a danger to the baby overexerting yourself!" Val was so full of questions and Sarah just looked at me with huge eyes like a little kid on Christmas. She loved kids, she had 2 of her own after all. 

"Well I've only known for a week, but the Dr says I'm a month along. I'm still going through with the tour because the fans are counting on me and I don't want anyone else knowing that I'm pregnant yet."

"Amy, your unborn baby is counting on you more than the fans, I'm sure they'd understand that you don't want to put your unborn baby GIRL in danger!!" 

"Val, how are you so sure it's a girl? We don't even know if it's a human yet." I laughed. Both girls had on a weird look on their face. "You know because it's Brian's kid and he's far from human. We all know that." I then started cracking up as did they. We were laughing so hard, we didn't notice the banging on the door.

"Girls are you ok?" It was Brian. 

"Umm...yeah we're great! Come on in!" I yelled.

"Hey baby, how are you? Feeling any better today?"

"Yeah, I've been feeling a litter better today." I smiled

"I know that flu has been kickin your ass lately, just wanted to make sure you were starting to feel better. I got you some flu medicine last night when I went out. You were asleep, so I waited to give it to you." I truly loved this man, he always took care of me. Which is why it was killing me to keep this from him.

"Thank you baby, I love you. I'm sorry i've been grouchy lately. Just don't like being sick is all."  I said and then kissed him. 

"Well, I'll always take care of you no matter what." He smiled.

"Ok Romeo, enough talk. Now go away, we're having girl talk with your girlfriend." Val said as she pushed him out the door. We heard Brian say "Women." as the door was shut in his face. We began laughing again. He was just too funny sometimes.

"You do know what this means right, Amy??" Sarah said.

"Uh...lots of pain and sickness and an oblivious yet suspicious Brian Haner?" I laughed.

"Well, yes all of that butttttt......it also means SHOPPING!!!" They both shouted in unison. "Not just any shopping though..BABY SHOPPING!!!" 

"Hush you two! Somebody will hear you!!" I whisper shouted again. "Besides we don't even know the gender yet. We wouldn't be able to buy anything."

"We'll wait until we know. How long are you planning on keeping this from Brian anyways? You're skinny, eventually you'll start showing. Brian will wonder why you're eating so much and getting pudgy. You're not going to be able to hide it for long." Sarah said. She would know, she's been there before.

"Well, when do you think I should tell him then?" I asked.

"When the time is right. When you feel like it's right. Don't force yourself to or it won't come out right. You shouldn't be scared anyways, didn't you say Brian wants kids with you anyways?"

"Yeah, he sure does. I know he would be excited but I also know he would make me cancel my part of the tour. I don't want that."

"He might not. Just tell him when you're ready."

"Ok, I definitely will. Girls, I want Mexican food." I said.

"Alright, I'll go tell Jimmy to stop off at the next exit that has a Mexican restaurant." Sarah said as she walked out the door.

I instantly felt better, I wanted to tell Brian, but I decided I'd wait awhile longer. 

Ok, so I know it kind of sucked. Please review, let me know what you think. All feedback is welcome. 

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