I met Cassidy when she had accidentally tripped down a flight of stairs and fell onto Austin Moon, leader of the Full Moons and my sworn enemy since my first day at the elite Marino Prep. She was stuttering apologies while he threatened to red card her, but I swooped in and kicked him in the nuts before he could do anything.

Me and Cassidy then ran, giggling, to the closest janitor's closet and proceeded to laugh our asses off.

"Did you see his FACE?"

"He looked about ready to charge a wild bull!"

"Yo, Ally!" I heard someone call from behind me. It was Kira and Didi, both looking worse for wear. They were caked in mud and eggshells, but laughing like idiots as they approached us.

"The Moons?" I asked, my eyes hard. They both nodded, still chuckling slightly.

"Yeah, but you'll never guess what Kira did when Trent and Chuck popped out of the bushes to laugh at us!" Didi said, sharing a grin with the said Marino's resident psycho Starr. Get it? Star? Starr? Never mind.

"WHAT?" I demanded, grabbing both her shoulders. "Tell me!"

"Chill out, Ally! There's no need to go all evil overlord on us." Trish said, sauntering up to me. She didn't look any better than Kira or Didi, grime and eggshells caking her as well.

"But long story short, Kira kissed Trent and we egged them back while he was still in a daze." Didi finished, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at me.

"Ewwww," I said. I could barely stand being around any of the Full Moons, kissing them was so not on my to-do list.

"Even caked in eggshells, I'm still gorgeous." Kira sighed, fluttering her eyelashes. I snorted, tossing my bag over my shoulder and placing a hand on my hip. It was like my signature move. I did it when I wanted to look like the badass leader that I was.

"Don't go all beauty and the beast on me, Kira," I snickered, smirking. Trish had once commented that I looked kind of like Austin when I did that. I spent an entire day ignoring her after that. Me and Austin Moon have NOTHING in common. Got that?

"Well, Trent is a beast..." Kira pondered, a wicked grin on her lips.

We all had a good laugh over that, and when the first bell rang, I hadn't even minded. I was in a good mood today thanks to the members of Sonic Boom, which we had named our 'alliance' against the Moons.

At least, I was. Until lunch time swung around.

I was under my favourite tree trying to enjoy my food when he interrupted.

"Dawson." Austin Moon strolled up to me, acting for all the world like he had the swagger he so obviously did not. NEWSFLASH: You ain't P. Diddy. And you most certainly ain't no Ke$ha.

"Moon." So there I was, trying to eat my cheap ass lunch in peace, since none of the Sonic Booms have this lunch period. Then comes Austin Moon, intent on ruining my day.

Moon plopped down next to me, giving me a smirk that he usually saved for girls he wanted in his bed. That scared me. Which is odd, since Austin Moon doesn't scare me at all.

"What do you want?" I snapped, taking another bite of my sandwich. I may be a high school senior, but I still liked me some PB&J.

I was still waiting for Austin to whip out a carton of eggs and start pelting me with them. But what he actually said caught me totally off guard. "I want you to go out with me."

And that's when my PB&J attempted to kill me.

"Chicken assed-haired fool say whaaaat?" I choked out, while Austin (cringe) patted me on the back while looking offended at the same time. I took a deep breath and backed away from his touch, glaring. "That's not funny, Moon."

❀ Auslly one shot ❁Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora