Having a baby with Shannon

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Today we had to go shopping but when i wake up Shannon and our son was still asleep. They are so cute when they sleep together so i didn't want to wake them. I called Jared and he was more than happy to help me.

*Shannon POV*

I wake up with a pair of little hand slapping my face. "Dada, dada". "Hey buddy" i smiled at him and I put him on my abdomen. I look at the clock. Y/N have to be already at shopping probably with Jared.

"Mommy left us home alone. You hungry?" I ask him and he nodded. "Let's feed you then" I get him in my arms, i took my phone and i go to the kitchen. I put him on the table and then i look for the ingredients.

After i found what i need i start to prepare his food. When i turned around for a spoon, i accidentaly dropped my phone. "Oh fuck". I take it back and i widened my eyes after i heard my son laughing behind me and saying duck.Y/N said me not to use that kind of words around him.

I took the bowl with his food, i put the spoon in it and i went towards him. "ok buddy, listen to daddy. If you want him still alive don't use that word ever again especially around mommy ok?"

He laugh again and said "duck". I closed my eyes and pray to be the last time when he used this word."You think it's funny when daddy's in trouble right? Just like you mother." After i feeded him, i washed the vessels and i changed him.

While i washed all the mess, i heard the front door closed. Jared came with a lot of bags and Y/N after him.

*Your POV*

When i entered in the kitchen i saw my son on the table, playing with some cars, and Shannon throwing something in the trash. Jared sat on a chair, and start playing with my son.

"Hey babe" I went to Shannon and i kissed him.

"Hey. Thank god you came. I thought i have to take him with me at the bathroom" He said and run to the bathroom.

I laugh, i go to my son, i get him in my arms, i sit on a chair and put him in my lap."Hey love. You missed mommy?" I ask him and kissed his cheek.

He nodded and he said "duck". I looked at him confused and i repeated "Duck?" I look at Jared confused.

He raise his shoulders with a smile on his face. "I think daddy used the wrong word. I wonder what word" He said laughing.

"Oh my god i told him not to-" i heard a door closed "Shannon come here right now" I said a little angry.

When he finally came i looked at him with dark eyes. "Sweetheart, tell daddy what you told me" i said to my son and he said duck again.

"Duck" Shannon said. "Duck" i repeat.

"I can explain" He said quickly. "You better not. How will you make him not to use that word again because, shortly after he will can pronunce "f" it will be more bad"

Jared looked at him amused. "You're in big troubles, man."

"I will do somehow, I swear" He said.

"I will never let you home alone with our son ever again." I said.

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