Chapter 17: The Dark Presence

Start from the beginning


“Yes, I cannot understand why you have not figured it out, you seemed to intelligent,” He sighed sadly, “but I guess you are not. Think…rearrange the letters of my name, what does it spell?”

What on earth?“I believe it spells Horse.”

Rhose clapped, “Si that is correct. Now, think even harder, my name is Horse and I am a man.”

Realization hit the butler like a bucket of ice water; he jumped to his feet, ready for a fight, “You are one of the Horsemen.”

Again another round of applause, Rhose slid fluidly to his feet, towering over Sebastian, “Si, right again, I am and make no mistake if I wished it you would already be dead, you and your young master.”

A feeling of dread crept into Sebastian’s stomach, he was powerful for a demon, no mistaking that, but the Horsemen were on a whole different level. They were the elite of the elite in demon ranking, so much so there were only four in existence; no other had made it to their level of power. I don’t believe I would stand a chance…”What is someone like you doing here?”

“Am I not allowed to visit my student? It has been a long time since I had seen her,” He slid back down to sit by the fire, “And I wished to see her. Is that a problem?”

“No, but…I would like to know how someone like you came to be custodian to a human.”

Rhose’s eyes flashed demon red again, “I am custodian to no one, make no mistake of that. Gattino was just a child when I found her, wandering about her village, covered in her own blood. She was only two or three at the time but had the eyes of a soldier who had seen too much fighting.”

“She told me you met her in a vineyard outside of her village.”

“That is true…to her. I took her memories of what really happened that day from her. Human suffering is a boon to us when we feast on their souls that is true, but too much suffering can be a terrible thing.” The Horsemen nudged a log in the fire with his boot, “There was evidence that her parents beat her daily, she had several bruises on her face and arms, and beyond that her little hands were so scared and calloused they resembled those of an old crone. I still remember the way she looked at me,” his eyes were distant, as if he was seeing a different time, “ I was in full demon form, covered in the blood of those who had attacked the village, a very frightening sight to most adults, let alone children.”

“She just stared at me for a moment, and then asked me if I could kill her to. At the time I was angry, for me the best part about a battle was watching the fear in my prey’s eyes, but in hers I could see nothing. Since she denied me that, I decided to deny her wish. I only found out later what had happened during the fight, her parents had pushed her out in front of them so the raiders would kill her instead, and that the raiders had left her alive because she wasn’t worth the effort of killing. She truly was a lamentable being.” The fire crackled, “I took her under my wing and taught her of what it is to be an assassin, that way she could live on her own and not worry about relying on others, I wanted her to have true freedom, no one for her to worry about. Not only would that keep her from being hurt, but someone with nothing to lose is more dangerous than someone who does.”

He shifted his gaze to Sebastian, “I was only worried when I sensed other presences here other than the spirits. She’s come to like you and the boy quite a bit.”

“Does that really worry you?”

An inhuman growl issued from Rhose’s throat, “Yes, it does. She may be human but I see her as my own and I will defend what is mine. Hurt her and you will die, painfully.

Sebastian leaned back, watching Rhose’s face through the shadow’s the flickering flames cast over it, “I have no inclination of hurting her, but you understand if she were to hurt the Earl or if he ordered it, I would have no choice.”

The shadow’s seemed to swell, pulse, “I believe you would, the boys soul is not worth her life.”

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Kat reappeared, a shimmering pot and dishes in hand, “I have the dishes done.”

Rhose smiled, “Thank you, Gattino, the meal was delicious. It is good that you learn your lessons well.”


“It is good to see you are doing well for yourself, Gattino, it does my heart good to see you happy.” Rhose pulled her into one final hug, “I will have to come visit you at this manor of yours sometime.”

“I will thank you.”

Sebastian felt his lip twitch, it was so nice to see the Horseman leaving, it had only been one night, but an entire night in this beings presence was enough to leave a demon like him on edge listening for something to go bump in the night. Rhose met his eyes, “I hope you will also take care of my Gattino, if you don’t I will have to become very angry. Farewell.”

He turned and strode down the beach, disappearing as quickly as he had appeared no doubt. “Good riddance.”

Kat poked him in the ribs making him jump; he hadn’t heard her approach, “What?”

She smiled up at him, “I take you don’t think much of my master.”

“He is more than I can comprehend. He seems very protective of you, I thought you said he gruff in his affection.”

“I didn’t lie, if that’s what your insinuating, he was gruff, I don’t know why he was so nice this time. I’m not complaining though, you never look a gift horse in the mouth.”

Sebastian bit the inside his lip to keep from snorting in derision, of course that’s how the saying goes, but what it doesn’t say is the “gift horse” usually ends up biting someone else, probably me in the end.

“Sebastian! Kat! Pack everything up, we are going home, I’ve had enough of this place.”


Hey everyone, just wanted to thank everyone for reading and voting first off, its really appreciated! Next, on the agenda, chapter preview: Curry, thats all I'm saying.

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