Max: Y/n! Come on! Can we talk!?

I just turned my phone off

"Y/n? Wasn't that max?" He asked

"Yep!" I said slowly

"What's going on?" Adam asked

"Nope.. Nope" I said slowly

"Y/n talk to me!" He said I just shuck my head

~Adams pov~ (Long time)

Y/n is hiding something she looks upset..

My phone went off

Max: Hey.. Adam are you up?

Adam: Yea

Max: okay good

Then Max called me I walked away from Y/n and answer the call

"Yes?" I said

"Adam look.. is Y/n Screening my texts?" He asked

"no she turned off her phone.." i said

"It's.. my fault she's mad at me.." he said

"What did you do?" I said

"Well.. you see.. I told her not to get me a gift but she did.. and I was not supposed to find out but I did.. and now she is mad at me" he said I just signed

"Wait don't say anything.." I said the walk to y/n

"Hey can you her this.. I don't know if it sounds good" I said

~Your Pov~

I looked at Adam and shuck my head

"Not going to happen! I'm not talking to Max!" I said then got off the couch and walked away to my room

I sat on my bed.. Then Jessie woke up..

"Hey? What's up?" Jessie said

"I-its nothing.." I said

"Sure says the one who wants to cry.." she said

"Shut up" I mumbled

I got off my bed grabbed an outfit got dressed and walked downstairs got my coat on and my boots on

"Where are you going!?" Alesa asked I jumped

"For a walk.. " I said then walked out

~few hours later~

I walk all the way across city just to see Ruby for a little bit

I got to Ruby's and knocked on the door

She opened the Door she looked at me confused

Then I looked down she grabbed my hand and we went up to her room she sat me down and she pulled me into a hug

"Let it all out.." she said and I hugged her tighter and cried

~half an hour later~

"T-thanks.." i said

"Now what is wrong?" She asked

"It's.. Max.. he found out that I got him a gift.. and he told me that I'm not allowed to get him anything" i said

"Well it's his fault!" She said

"Yea.." I said then there was a knock on the door

"Who is it?" Ruby said

"Really you can't tell you own brothers knock!?" I said

He opened the door and walked in and ran up to me

"Y/n! Can I have a Hug! Please!" He said I leaned down

"Your the only boy I want a hug from!" I said pulling him closer

We hugged and then Ruby tapped my arm i looked at her

"I'll drive you home now" She said i nodded 

"CAN I COME!!" Joey said excitedly

Ruby just nodded 

~few hours later back at the house~

i got out of the car 

"T-thank you Ruby.. And Joey.." i said then sighed when i looked over and seen Max's car

"What?" ruby asked 

"nothing.. Be good Joey if you are not Good little boy.. Ruby will get to decide if you get your present or not kay?" I said 

"Okay!" Joey said

I then closed the door and walked to the front door 

I walked in and took off my boots and coat and just walked strait up to my room I put my phone on the table and sat on my bed and sighed 

~20 minutes later!~

there was a knock on the door i just looked at the door 

I got up and walked over to the door and opened it and there was Adam and Max.. ugh.. 

"yous need to talk" Adam said 

I moved away from the door and Max got pushed in and then he closed the door 

Max sat on my bed and i just sat on the couch that was in the room

"Look.. Y/n.." Max said 

"nope~" I said slowly 

"Y/n! come on!" he said i just got off the couch and walked over to my phone and grabbed it and looked at it

Rosa: Hey, My brother has his truck Ready and Clean for the move after New years 

You: SWEET! can't wait! 

Rosa:I know right.. gtg ttyl 

Then Max grabbed my phone i did not even know he was behind me

"Max! give me back my phone!" I said/yelled 

"Not happening! not till you talk to me so we can resolve this" he said 


~To be Continue 


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