Suddenly, Tasha, ran to the table, apparently late to lunch that day, she was holding a copy of the Wizarding Newspaper the Daily Prophet under her arm.  "Everyone! You have to see this!"

Tasha slapped the paper down on the table, and the headline blazed out at Mikoto's eyes like wildfire.

Academy City Situation Worsens: Espers Attacking Wizards in Europe.

"What!?" Mikoto said, grabbing the paper.

Tasha began to read. "Up and down the country, sightings of 4 powerful espers from a particularly powerful group known as the Level 5s, have been sighted in Europe far from Academy City, attacking and defeating some of the most well known and powerful wizarding families.  While there have been not deaths yet, the wounds and injuries sustained were bad enough to admit every victim in an immediate transference to St. Mungo's.

" 'their powers aren't something we've not seen before used in magic'. says Auror Trenton Dawlish. 'But their powers are on a grander scale, and for some reason, immune to all counter spells.' 

"Known espers include the nefarious Mental Out, who seems to possess an esper form of Legilimens capable not only of peering into the mind, but seems also capable of creating a form of control more potent than even the Imperius Curse.  However, she is the only one sighted. It can be assumed at least that the Railgun, current student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry, is not a part of it, possessing a rather spectacular alibi of rampaging through the school in the form of a Hungarian Horntail at the time."

"Misaki!?" Mikoto stammered, cutting Tasha off. "What the hell!? What is she doing!? She's not violent! Not in the slightest! Sure she's a stupid manipulative girly little prick, but.. oh WHY!?"

"Go on Tasha.." said Lily, nodding at her to read on.

"Well, it just says a bunch of stuff about Academy City, and what an Esper is, and how the Auror office is in a frenzy trying to get a hold on the situation." said Tasha. "It also mentions how since you've been discovered at Hogwarts thanks to the Dragon Stunt's publicity, Japan's Ministry is in a furious frenzy at our minister. Accusing us of hiding traitors."

"Traitor to what?" said Mikoto. "Since when was I ever on their side in the first place?"

"Nishio is a psycho, who knows what's going on in his head." said Tasha. "So, can you tell us about the espers who are rampaging?"

"Well, I don't think the Number 6 is involved, nobody knows for a fact who she is." said Mikoto. "But, other than Mugino who I already mentioned, there's Number 5, Misaki Shokuhou, called Mental Out, she's the most powerful telepath in Academy City.  Then there's Number  7, Attack Crash, Gunha Sogiita, don't let his number ranking fool you, he just got it because his power's hard to measure, who would win if the two of us were to fight was something the two of us had fun debating after the Daihaseisai last year."

Mikoto noticed her friend's confused looks. "Oh, that's a sport's festival we have every year where we're allowed to use our abilities. It's almost as popular to Muggles as the Quidditch World Cup is to you."

Mikoto continued. "Alright, then there's Number 2, Dark Matter. Teitoku Kakine. He's a dangerous guy, kills anybody for money, leads a mercenary group called SCHOOL just like Mugino who leads ITEM.  His power allows him to use a special matter his power creates in order to create anything his mind can come with.. even duplicates of himself.  And finally, there's the most troublesome one.. Accelerator."

"Guessing he's number 1." said Gil.

"Me and him have a history.. we're not enemies anymore, but we don't particularly like each other either." said Mikoto. "He has a handicap now, but he's still massively dangerous. His power is over vectors themselves, anything you throw at him just bounces right off, no matter how powerful, he just reverses the vector, and it flies right back at you. it's not even a shield, he's just reversing everything, and even without that particular power his other abilities are highly dangerous."

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