Chapter 2. The threat

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I am scared. And YES I just want to hide behind dead bodies but I must be brave. Oh...really? Whom do I trick? I mean all my life was spent killing people, vampires, werewolfs and even witches. But this isn't me. I am not this. I am a kind and friendly person. I am not a person who has no mercy for these inocent dead people. I also fell in love...but that had happened before I became a criminal. She was so beautiful. Her blue eyes and her golden hair...Her name was Isa. From Isabella. I can still feel her smell...But she will not return to me again because she is dead now...
The witch left two hours ago. Unfortunately she couldn't help me how I expected. What am I suppose to do? Go after the ingredient or just stay here and hope that I will not be found? I must think about that. But now I just want to stay here and rest for a while.
It's winter. A snow flake is sneeping on the frosted glass. This is an ugly house. The first time I arrived here I didn't care how the place where I will stay looks like. But now I can see that it is an ugly place. At least there is a kitchen and a living room where a fire is still burning quietly. In short time the fire will go out. I must go into the forest to find some woods. I put a coat on me and I get out of this horrible house. I need some air ...
Outside is snowing heavily. I find quickly woods and now I just want to stay here and cry. A tear is dropping on my cheek and falls to the earth. I look down feelling nothing. Suddenly I see something on the ground. It's blood. Fresh blood. And it's smells so good. Where does it come from? I raise my eyes and I see people. Dead people. A huge pile of dead people. I am sure I didn't kill them. But who did? That means that is someone else here. With me. In the forest. I begin to run. I must go home.


A long arrow was so close to kill me. But I caught it. I turned so fast and I just could see a black siluet like a shadow. I couldn't tell if there was a she or a he. But now that person is gone. I am alone in the forest again.

Dear journal,
Today someone tried to kill me. But I am still alive.
I think I saw all my life before my eyes. I was so close to death. I think THEY sent someone after me. Now THEY know where I am. I must find another home.
I am strong. I wouldn't die. Not yet.

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