Chapter Two

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The next couple of days that follow are close to perfect. We spend every waking moment in each other's company as well as the hours we share a bed at night. Our time alone together has only strengthened the bond we share and I think the two of us are going to find it extremely difficult to go back to our individual lives once our vacation is over.

Zack and I still spend the majority of our time on the beach, in our hotel bedroom or dining in our new favourite restraint we discovered shortly after we arrived. Watching the sunset every evening whilst walking along the sands is beyond anything I've ever seen before and I just know it's a memory that has now been engraved across my heart forever.

It's our fourth day in St. Tropez and we've just shared a wonderful meal at the restaurant which overlooks the harbour. Zack convinced me to try a small glass of wine with our food, after promising me that I would enjoy it. I finally acquiesced and was surprised to discover that I liked the taste of it. The small amount of alcohol helped me to relax and eased some of the tension that's been building as the end of our holiday approaches.

The sunset is spectacularly beautiful tonight, exquisite colours sparkle on the waves which gently wash against the shore. They lap against our bare feet as we stroll along the beach hand in hand, our fingers interlaced together.

"I could stay here forever." I sigh happily, gazing out at the magnificent view before us.

"Me too." He agrees, squeezing my hand tightly. "I've actually been considering handing in my resignation over the past few days, just so we could stay here indefinitely."

"Are you serious? Zack, I can't let you do that." I respond firmly.

"Why not? I can always find another job and I've never seen you this peaceful or relaxed before. You seem... happy."

"And I don't normally seem that way?"

"Well... not recently." He says, pausing for a few moments. "Not with everything that's been happening."

"Can you blame me?" I ask defensively, coming to a standstill.

"Of course not, that's what I'm saying... I like seeing you like this."

There's a couple minutes of silence between us whilst I contemplate everything he just said. I have been happier since we've been away and I feel so much more at ease within myself.

"I just don't understand why things back home have been so bad lately. "We don't even live in the same town as my mum and your parents anymore. Rachel's in London and no one knows the address of Audrey's apartment where I'm staying. Well... everyone besides the venomous person who sent me that hate letter." I add.

"I still think we should report that to the police as soon as get back. They need to know about the phone calls you've been getting and the latest note that was sent to you."

"I really don't want them involved, Zack. Now that whoever it is decided to write me a letter, we might just find that the phone calls will stop. He or she might feel like they've said everything they have to say to me. They could have got it all out of their system now."

"But they don't deserve to get away with this." He snarls furiously. "I want to see them pay."

"You and I are happy." I say, trying to placate him. "That's justice in itself. You and I are together and we're in love. No one can take that away from us."

"I suppose you're right." He reluctantly concedes. "Anyway, you won't be in that apartment for much longer, will you? Have you thought anymore about when you're going to tell Audrey you want to move out?"

Now It's Just Us (Wrong Girl 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن