Mrs. Pearl motioned Barry in and when Dick saw him, he was disguised in a long black trench coat with a black beanie and a black scarf around his face. He walked in savy and Dick did a face palm.

  "You called me?" Barry said in a deep voice. Dick was trying not to laugh so he bit his lip. "Mr. Wayne, you must be here to get Dick. He was left outside for hours!" She exclaimed and Barry clenched his knuckles. He was scared of Bruce but he cared alot for Dick so he was angry.

   "I know and I'm sorry, I was stuck in traffic and now I'm here to take my son back home." He said dramatically. Dick was giggling into himself so he quickly grabbed his Uncle's hand and said, "I'll see you after Christmas Break Mrs. Pearl! Thank you all so much!" 

  Barry held Dick's hand and strutted out of the school with Dick laughing. "Bruce is going to look like an idiot!" He said and Barry laughed too. "Serves him right. Why didn't he get you?" He asked and Dick shrugged. He didn't tell him about this morning and just said, "He didn't, he probably is home so at least I can see him there."

   Barry said nothing and ran Dick back home.


 When Dick got inside the manor he saw Bruce and Quinn on the couch doing some things Dick shouldn't see. "For the love me and that glorious couch, I beg you to take the love train and chug-a-chug back to your room!" Dick shouted and Bruce pulled back.

  Dick ran to his room and threw his stuff on the ground and might ask M'gann to erase his mind. He showered and dressed into sweats and a long sleeve and a sweater so he walked down stairs carefully.

  "Is the love train gone or will I behold my eyes to something horrible and jump off a cliff?" He shouted and Bruce glared at his ward's figure. "Your fine Dick!" He shouted and Dick glared at Quinn. She was smirking at Dick, she wore clothes of Bruce's and Dick stuck his tongue out.

  "Come eat dinner, Quinn made us some since Alfred's gone." Bruce said and Dick sighed. "Goodbye cruel world! I'm going to eat poison!" He said and Bruce smacked him upside the head.

  "What? After seeing what I saw you'll think we'll die too, if her food looks better than she looks then I know I'll be at least alive." Dick said and Bruce glared. "She made dinner so show some gratefulness." He said and gave a Bat glare. Dick refused and glared back.

  "Are we going to eat?" Quinn asked and Bruce looked at her. "Of course love." He said and they all sat together. Dick saw it was mashed potatoes and steak so he took a cautious bite. "Its nothing like Alfred's." He said and Bruce grabbed him by the arm and dragged him upstairs.

   He took him in his room and said, "What is wrong with you?!" Dick glared and said, "I'm not the one acting like a love sick puppy and making love on a couch that didn't need to see the horrors of your bodies and acting like a horny teen!" Bruce glared and shouted, "At least I'm not being mean!"

     "You left me at school and I was stuck in snow! Uncle Barry had to get me cause I knew you wouldn't!" Dick shouted and Bruce frowned. "Barry did? Why didn't you call me?" He asked and Dick hugged himself. "Cause you wouldn't answer, so I called him cause I knew he would get me." He said and glared at Bruce a Bat glare that would've made Bruce proud but he was too mad to see.

  "I was with Quinn.." He said and Dick shoved Bruce out of his room. "I need to sleep, my first night of vacation is going bad, I don't need you ruining it more." He said and slammed the door on his face.


    The next morning Dick woke up to laughter and music. He walked down stairs to see Bruce baking with Quinn. The girl was here, new record.

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