Wednesay 30/11/16

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I am living in a nightmare.
My friend said this guy has a crush on me and trust me I hate the guy. No offence to him. And here are reasons why
1: He is so annoying.
2: He always comes over to my group of friends and says Im your guys best friend
3:He probably doesn't know what privacy is.
And I feel one of his friends likes my one of my friends. Wait....... he likes her likes her he told me that.
I also got my pen licence on Monday so now I have to write with pen. Apperley everyone wants one. But I don't want one and here are reasons why.
1: We have to use a special pen
2: The pen goes threw the page.
3: So much ink comes out it is impossible to write with.
I can't think of anything for my wattpad story that I didn't updated in months and my video won't go up onto youtube. AND ITS ONLY 2 MINUTES LONG

Now that you're updated on my life I will be tommarow with more stuff you don't care about

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