The Move

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Maeve's Pov (Will probaby be Maeve's Pov the whole story)

Sun shinning though my window acting like nature's natural alarm clock. Today is the day that we move to Australia. I really am happy because a whole new start. I have no place here. Ha, this whole town I wont miss. My brother is upset about this move, his friends.

 I pack the things that the packers did not pack. Once I am all ready, I walk down the stairs memories flooding back. My cats are going to come with them so, my parents put me in charge of them. I have the cats set up, gave them their sleepy time medicine.

Everyone is up and about ready to leave. My Brother is saying goodbye to his friends. Once we pile into the car, we leave our old house behind. When we arrive at the airport we sell our car to the place. People say it is hard to leave a place behind but not really. 

When we get onto the plane, I prepare for the flight.

*Skip The plane Ride*

We arrive in Australia, boy it is hot. We grab our luggage and go to the car. A song comes up on the radio Gotta Get out. I really like this song. "Mom and Dad thank you for this move. It will be a lot of fun!" They just knodd.

We pull up to this beautiful house. I guess this is our new home. I jump out of the car and run up to the door. I have an extra key. I open the door and I book it up the stairs. I found the perfect room, a walk in closet, attached bathroom and a balcony. 

There were these people on the beach having fun around in a circle. I really hope I will have fun and make friends. I walk out of my house and on to the beach. The cool sand, nice breeze. I put my headphones on. 

I sit down and I watch the sunset. Taking a few I decide to go back home. Tomorrow I have school. I walk on up the stairs bush my teeth plug my phone in and just fall asleep on my bed.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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