Flying Away From My World

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Peter Pan
Both Tinkerbell and Wendy

"Tink you better not go through that cracked window"


"Tink, no stop come back"




"What's that Tinkerbell"

"Nothing she's not saying anything"


"And Peter Pan"

"Yeah, sorry about her Wendy we just got into a small fight and Tink thought you might know something"

"It was not a small fight! It was big"

"Stop Talking Tinkerbell"

"What is it Tinkerbell? Is he lying?"

"What no I'm not lying"

"Peter I could always read you so well"

"See I'm not the only one who reads you well"

"Tink that made no sense"

"What?! Wendy are you just going to let him talk to me like that?"

"What's that Tink?"

"Don't call me Tink"

"Stop being rude Tinkerbell"

"That wasn't rude"

"What's she saying?"

"Oh nothing"

"Your sarcasm is horrible"

"Just what I was thinking!"

"Oh Tink don't lie"

"That wasn't a lie"

"You're just trying to impress me because your afraid I'm in love with Wendy"


"Oh Peter Pan don't be silly your not falling in love with me"

"Tink if it's not true than why is your face going dark red?"


"I'm right"

"No, your wrong! It's the idea of me falling in love with you"

"Peter Stop Laughing it's rude"

"What no!"

"Peter Pan"

"Darn that mom look"


"Finally your quit"

"That's rude"

"How'd you do that?"

"We're girls we can do anything"

"Do what?"

"Don't act like you don't know"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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