Snap Count

374 9 1

The wind was chilly. But their hearts were raging on fire with obsession, obsession to win against the top. They are here, turning the dream into reality. Yes they are here, playing in the Christmas Bowl, and they are here not just to play, but also to win.

"White Knights 534!" yelled the demonic quarterback. Their captain, who at this very moment, had let his guards down revealing that he had trusted everyone, their team. So very unlike him who only believes in facts and numbers. And yet with zero percent possibility of winning, he trusted them, everyone said it was a mistake, and yet he still did.

"We should be able to crack that stupid code soon, though…" the Teikoku guys exclaimed as they ready for Deimon's offensive play.

"SET! HUT! HUT! HUT! HUT!" the quarterback still yelling the snap count but the play has already started.

"Woah! Woah! What's with the 'hut hut' the play is already starting!" fumed the Teikoku guys as they stumbled with their defence. "The snap count should be included somewhere in this code but…" Teikoku's quarterback trailed off, can't decode Deimon's offensive strategy.

"Kekekeke! It may not be easy for the too smart bastards that you are." mused the demonic quarterback as he merely glanced to the bench. To the girl who even was not able to play on the field, but still has ways her ways to help him reach his goals. Their goal.

He secretly smiles to himself. She is someone he would never ever want to replace on that bench. He needed her. He knew she was the only manager who could work with him, who can keep up with him. And that makes her hismanager.

But that is one thing to be put aside for now. He watched their running back as he made his way to the field for a touchdown. They have a Christmas Bowl to win at very this moment. And who knows if they would, he might aim for something bigger after this. The Rice Bowl in the college league maybe. Yes he would also conquer that. He merely glanced again on the bench. He genuinely smiled again.

'Together with the fucking manager of course. Kekekeke.'

Snap Count [Eyeshield21: Hiruma x Mamori]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu