
"You wont"

"I will to get my money, try me" I warned him

He seemed to be lost as I really ruined for actually, his hands were shaking and body seemed to be trembling I guess he imagining the result if he disagree. He was about to crash on floor I held him. Looking his condition, I realized how heartless I have been playing, I handed him a glass of water, he seemed to resist but then took it

"Okay I will give you five days max, arrange the amount and hand me or accept the propostion Mr. Shah"

He looked me with disgust, i really never cared what people might think of me. I have been tagged as brute and heartless billionaire which I don't give a damn about it I get what I want

The old man seems to be in his thinking world again but then he looked at me and composed himself

"I will arrange the money from anywhere Mr. Shayaan, no matter what I would do but I wont trade my own daughter never" He said with confidence, I just give him a smile which irritated him and he left



Life is somewhat very weird at times, you don't mean to do things but still you do them. I took out her picture and stare her, I don't know what is it in her that I couldn't picture any girl as my wife now it just I met her two times and both weren't pleasant , her eyes are very challenging, even in picture it feels like she is staring me back

Ringringring I heard my phone ringing, I saw the time its midnight

"Hello mom it may be noon to you but it is midnight in Pakistan at least check the time before calling" I said as I lifted the call

"Oh did I wake a sleepy head" She answered sarcastically

"beside I m your mother I can call you at any moment" I sighed

"Yes of course I was teasing mom"

"I know"

"Well how are u and dad"

"He is fine and I m also" There was moment of silence

"Well your brother is also fine and he started taking interest in office your dad has sent him on business trip" She said

"I didn't ask about him" I said sternly

"You didn't but you wanted to" My mom said sadness in her voice was evident

"Its been five years Shayaan cant you talk to Rayaan" She said

"Mom we always pick fight when we start to talk, not actually we but he" I said with annoyance

"He says the same about you, anyways I didn't call you for this" She paused, I know she composing herself I hate when this topic brought I just hurt mom's feeling everytime

"I called you because I have shortlisted some of girls of course when you wont marry before deadline you will accept my choice so why not do some justice with you. I want your opinion in girls I chose" mom said

Not again I wanted to scream this

"Mom are you serious?"

"Yes how about Sara?" Mom asked

"Your sister's daughter no way she is gold digger"

"Watch your tongue son, she is your cousin, anyways, How about Mahira"

"Dad's sister daughter she is too clingy no"


"She is so innocent and naïve no"




"Mom she is too young please"

She took many girls name from family and her friend but I rejected

"If you reject every girl then how will you get married"

"Maybe I found one that's why I m rejecting" I said nonchalantly

"Really who is she, is she a Muslim, of course she would be, how is her family, look you don't have to worry if she is not a billionaire" Mom shoot many question

I realized what I said, I face palm myself

"Mom relax right now I wont tell you who is she" I said


"Let just say I m waiting for her answer" I said nervously

"Shayaan Ahmed is waiting for an answer that to from a girl, is he the same who don't take no for an answer" She said teasingly

"Mom you know, no one can say no to me" I said proudly

"Yeah right that's why you are waiting" She said laughing

"I must say she is something then, I already like her who is making Shyaan Ahmed waiting" She added

Mom and her excitement for daughter in law is very amusing, I talk to her some time and then hung up. I stared her pic for last time and then drifted in sleep

I heard my phone ringing, I open my eye to find morning rays penetrating in my room I looked at time and saw caller id. It from unknown

"Its better be important whoever it is" I said with irritation

"Assalm o Alaiqum, is this Shayaan Ahmed?" I heard very girls voice, I was too sleepy to recognize

"Yes who is it" I asked rubbing my eyes

"Zeenish Shah"

I got up at once and stare my mobile 


Assalm o Alaiqum my readers sorry for this much late update 

I hope u like this one 


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