~D.A.D.A Class #1~

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~Hermione's POV~

I woke up this morning hoping for a somewhat quick day, but with my luck that probably won't happen. I climbed out of bed pulling out my high heels setting them down before running to the girls lavatory. I brushed out my hair tying the front ends out of my face, before brushing my teeth and doing my make-up. I put on a light layer of black eye liner, finishing with some mascara. I walked back to the room pulling on my white short sleeved button up shirt, clipping on my tie. I pulled on my black skirt strapping on my high heels before grabbing my books running down stairs to meet up with the boys so we could walk to class. I got to the common room, to see Ron smiling at me and Harry with a smirk on his face. I gave him a weird look before taking Ron's hand and walking down to the room of requirement. We walked in and Harry sat at the desk, he's basically the teacher, they just need an upper level wizard in the room. Sirius walked in and I felt my heart rate increase, he winked at me and I looked down in a blush, this is going to be one hell of a term. I looked at Harry to see him smirking at me again and I finally understood why. He's seeing something and I'm not sure what it is, but I'm going to find out. The rest of the class was actually a lot of fun, we cast some spells and Harry taught us that even the smallest of spells can have a big impact. Even though all of us that were involved in the war last year already know this, for the first years they were astounded at the things they could do. When class ended the rest of the day was quite easy but just as boring. Dinner finally rolled around and as Harry and I walked down the hall I looked at him.

"Why do you keep smirking at me?"

He looked at me confused.


"This morning, when I walked down stairs you smirked at me, and then again in class after Sirius walked by, why do you keep smirking at me?"

He chuckled, shaking his head.

"I've been watching you and Sirius the past two days, that hug, the way you look at each other. There's something between you two, and you're both afraid of it, granted you're with Ron and he's a technical professor but still. There's something and you both need to figure it out, before it's too late, you're not happy with Ron and everyone knows it but Ron."

I couldn't argue with that but at the same time he's kind of wrong.

"Harry, there's nothing going on with me and Sirius, he's a friend, and when it comes to Run you're right, but I can't. I don't want to hurt him, we've been friends for years and I'm trying here, it may not seem like it but I am, I just need more time."

"You don't have forever Hermione and neither does Sirius, don't wait too long alright."

"Harry, I'm his student, he doesn't like me in that way and even if he does he's not going to tell me, just let this go, put this silly idea of yours to rest. Besides even if he and I did have something for each other, one it wouldn't work and two if it did that would make me your god mother and practical aunt, I don't think either of us are ready for that."

He laughed, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I suppose not but still, I wouldn't mind."

I smiled hugging him from the side only to be picked up by the waist and thrown over someone's shoulder, I looked back to see ginger hair.

"Ronald Billius Weasely put me down this instant or I swear I will hex you to kingdom fucking come."

He put me down.

"Calm down Mione, just having a bit of fun."

"Yeah, well it's not fun for me in fact it kind of hurts."

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