Batting Practice

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I didn't sleep for my life. I kept having nightmare after nightmare, usually about being chased by something I couldn't see. My heart was racing so much that my pacemaker alarm went off waking Jax up but I managed to turn it off before it woke Cassidy up. He looked over at me worried.

"I'm fine. I was just dreaming. Go back to sleep." I smiled to try and reassure him and he sighed then obliged. I finally got back to sleep a while later and had a dream about my ex, the one that hit me and got sent immediately to the ER. When I woke up I was just confused. I did t know what to think about that one at all. I went down and made breakfast because I had woke up super early as usual. Jax came in the room shortly after and I knew Cas would sleep late. This is her day off.

"Morning Shadow. Sleep any better?"

"I guess. I don't know how to explain what that was even about. How did you sleep?"

"Not good. That bad feeling is getting worse."

"That's not good. Any idea who would be in danger today?"

"Just you but you'll be with Javy so that should calm me down somewhat so maybe it's someone else. I don't know what to think."

"So... you think it's me again? I swear I'll be super careful today." He smiled and I felt my phone go off. I checked it to find the Surfline report for today back home looked really good. Meanwhile it was supposed to be a dry windy day here. I automatically missed California but shrugged it off. "Surf is so good today. Remind me to go skating later cause I might die if I don't." He nodded as I plated food for us both.

"Got it. We can go after our run tonight. I feel like I slept in but it's not even 6 am at home. Did we go to bed early?"

"Well... I mean we got tired and went to bed at 9 which is like 7 so if I was a betting person I'd put my money on yes. But we did a lot yesterday."

"Damn." We sat down and ate then I went and got ready for the day. After showering and putting on my meeting outfit over a red tank I had gotten a while back and grabbed my Cubs jersey and skinny jeans to change into I headed out to the living room to do my makeup and wait for Jax to get ready. He let me get ready first so I could have the room like he always does while we're here. I waited for him to finish and scrolled through my Snapchat. I watch Brian's story where he was training and then watched Brett Eldredge sing brown eyed girl for bed head jams. He finally walked out in his street clothes with his nicest jeans and a suit jacket thrown over his shoulder along with a while button down. His job is a little more laid back on their dress attire than mine. I was stuck in a skirt and heels while he was wearing jeans.

"Ready Jax?"

"Completely. You look like Supergirl undercover." I grinned and we headed out. He took me to my meeting where I found out I was getting a pay raise and less travel to New York. I would be back and forth between California and Illinois still but the backup they just hired can only work in New York so I wouldn't have to design there as much. Jax picked me up and laughed at my reaction to someone tripping on the sidewalk. She was watching him, probably because he is an attractive man, and twisted her ankle. I laughed maybe a little too hard and got in the car. "You know that girl is cussing you right about now?"

"She wanted her a piece of you and you didn't acknowledge her at all. She did that to herself." I laughed and shut the door.

"I didn't know she was looking at me. I was watching your boss yell at some guy in the second floor window. Does he always use that many hand gestures?" I laughed again.

"Only when he's pissed. Let's go have lunch somewhere fancy."

"You hate fancy restaurants Shadow."

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