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Sooo...well this one of those chapters where I will fan girl a little.

Any ways if you are looking for some epic cliché love-dovey letters to read, Angel's books FACEBOOK CRUSH and WATTPAD INFATUATION? are the best. Wattpad Infatuation is a side story to FB Crush.

In FB Crush, Angel writes love letters to her long gone boyfriend, who she dearly calls Lotus Flower. awwwwww. It like a freaking emotional roller coaster!

I love her books, I cannot describe how awesome her books are!

You just put them at the top of your priority list this instant, young lady!...or lad? :p

She is just perfect.  If I were a boy....mega crushhh I did have on her!

But...I am not don't have moi as competition!

So chillax.

Back to my point. She is one of best authors on here.

Read her freaking awesome books now okay? I have said enough!

Don't waste your time reading this and goooooo add her books to your library!

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