Chapter 2.

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"What!?" Frankie my roommate shrieked. "Girl oh my God this is serious." He beams flipping his wrist.

"I know I know, but." I stammer. Looking down.

"But what? But nothing Ariana." He scoffs pacing back, and fourth in my bedroom. "Harry Styles. Say it with me Harry F.ucking Styles. Sex God!" I groan covering my face with my hands.

"Frankie." I whine."

"Ariana" He whines back in a mocking tone."

"I'm not going to say that." I say giggling. Frankie plops down on the bed next to me.

"Why am I more excited about this then you are?" He questions. Scrunching up his face. Because I'm afraid of messing up anything good that comes into my life. "What's up?" He asks.

"I don't know I just there is a lot he doesn't know about me." I say looking down at my hands. Frankie sighs, and places his hand on my knee.

"You don't have to tell him your whole life story. Just hang out with him, and see how it goes alright?" He says trying to comfort me.

"Okay" I whisper.

"Ari your phone is ringing!" Frankie shouts like a mad man.

I pick it up to see who it is. It's Harry. S.hit.

"It's him." I whisper shout. His eyes go wide, and he jumps up, and down.

"What? Oh my God answer it answer it!" He chirps still poking me in my side. I swat his hand away. I slide my thumb over the answer button.

"Hello?" I say.

"Ariana? It's Harry." He's says on the other line. I bite my nail. A terrible habit of mine.

"Umm hi.. hi Harry." I say trying to sound as normal as possible. Even though I'm dying in the inside. I get nervous while talking on the phone.

"Well I wondering if you wanted to come over to my house tomorrow night?" He asks. "I would say we could out or something, but it gets kind of crazy." He adds. I look up at Frankie. Of course he's shaking his head yes, and mouthing the words "Say Yes"

I run my fingers through my long hair. "Okay that sounds good." I tell him biting my lip.

"Great!" He chirps. "I'll pick you up at 6:00."

"I'll see you then Harry." I say hanging up he phone."

"Holy s.hit I can't believe you're going to hang out with Harry Styles!" He exclaims putting his hands over his mouth. He senses my nervousness. "It will fine. I'll help you pick out what to wear, and everything." He says jumping up off the bed.

My stomach feels like it's going to explode. I haven't been on. date in years. Well if you would call this a date. I lay in bed that night thinking about anything, and everything. I pop my sleeping pill into my mouth drinking some water to swallow it.

"You look great!" Frankie says squealing. He picked out my outfit. A dark red sweater, tights with black Uggs. It looks a lot better in person than it sounds. I apply some powder to my face along with some mascara. I decide to leave my hair down.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything." I say smiling. He gives me a big hug.

"Of course my favorite girl has to look fabulous." He says says smacking his gum. I just shake my head in amusement. Just then then doorbell rings. "Now call me if you need anything okay?" I nod.

I open the door to see a stunning Harry. His short brown hair gelled back a bit. Black skinny jeans, and a Red button up shirt exposing some of his chest, and some worn out tan boots. He smiles. "You look amazing." I blush.


"Don't forget to use a condom!" I hear Frankie shout from the bedroom. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Let's go. Sorry that was my roommate Frankie." I tell him overly embarrassed.

He chuckles. " No worries." He leads me to a Black Range Rover which I'm guessing is his. He opens the passenger side door, and I thank him.

About 15 minutes later we pull up to a large gate. Harry punches in some numbers on a keypad. Opening the gates. I'm stunned by what I see. His house is beautiful, and large. All brick with White shutters. A fountain in the front, along with a lot of different types of car models. I look up, and Harry is opening my door.

"Your house is amazing." I say in awe.

"Thanks." He says laughing at my face filled with astonishment. "Come on" He sticks his hand out for me to take. I follow him inside. It's even more beautiful than the outside. Chandeliers, large staircase, high ceilings. I try to keep myself together. "I hope you like spaghetti. I made it myself." Harry beans.

"Yes of course" I chirp. Harry suddenly appears behind me making me jump.

"Sorry I was just going to take your jacket for you." I hate when I do that. I nod, and smile handing it to him. He places his hand on my back, and leads me to the kitchen, and pulls out my chair for me and sits down himself. He's honestly a gentleman. "Is water okay?" He asks pointing to the water in the glass. " Or would you rather have wine?"

"Oh no I don't drink. Water is fine." I tell him. The meal looks delicious.

"Go ahead." He says letting out a giggle. My feel my cheeks redden for the second time tonight. I pick up my fork and place the pasta in my mouth, and it's good really good.

"This is really good Harry." I say wiping my mouth. His eyes light up.

"Really? Well I'm glad someone likes my cooking." He jokes. He such a sweet guy. Beautiful so beautiful.

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