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Hello!I got another request! I'm so happy!

This is from!.........jelsaloveforlife
Okay now let's startu!

Scorpio: *walking silently through the hallways of school judging people along the way* tsk that girl looks like a clown

Gemini: *shows up* sup scorio! Have you seen? There's a clown in school

Scorpio: I'm judging her right now *points*

Clown girl: *voice screech* like omg! I look amazing!

Gemini: what...? Not her she's a real natural clown what I mean is the transfers

Scorpio: oh show me then

Gemini: yes student council president! *drags scorpio*

~after a whole lot of dragging~

Gemini: there they are!

Scorpio: *looks and goes there* hello I'm scorpio the student council president sorry I couldn't tour you yesterday, you must be the new student council vice president?

Cancer: ahh yes I'm cancer and this is Pisces he's shy

Pisces: hi

Scorpio: the transfer right?

Pisces: y-yes

Cancer: oh yeah from now on you'll have to lead him cause you're schedules are the same and you're lockers are next to each other byeii! *leaves*

Scorpio: shall we?

Pisces: s-sure

Gemini: *pops in* hello clown transferee!

Scorpio: *hits Gemini's head* don't mind him, this is Gemini the news paper president and this is pisces Gemini



Scorpio: this is so awkward.... We best be going bye Gemini see you later at the meeting! *leaves with pisces*

~skip to after school cause I just got back from school and I don't wanna remember

Scorpio: so our house is across each other but we don't cross paths? Then tomorrow I'll pick you up, sound good?

Pisces: sure

Scorpio: gotta go to the meeting

Pisces: I'm actually waiting for cancer

Scorpio: oh then I guess they won't mind you

~after some 'serious' meeting~

Scorpio: bye Gemini!oh hello again cancer

Cancer: hi! Oh can you take Pisces home ?thanks bye!

Scorpio: sure bye take care!come on

Pisces: okay

~outside school

Scorpio: hope on the bike

Pisces: at the back?

Scorpio: yeah where else?

Pisces: o-okay*hops on*

Scorpio: hold on tight! *bike's incredibly fast*

Pisces: *girlish scream*

~after some girlish screams~

Scorpio: we're here!

Pisces: tha-thank you!

Scorpio: no problem bye!

Pisces: wait!

Scorpio: yeah?

Pisces: you made me feel things!

Scorpio: umm I think I don't need to know that...

Pisces: no! Not that! I mean-what I'm saying is...... I like you! Please go out with me!

Scorpio: aren't I supposed to say that? Well yes of course! Tomorrow?

Pisces: yes please!


Cancer: we're the shipping twins!

Gemini: yes we are!

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