Chapter 6

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Here it is, as promised.


"Olliver, d-do you want to know w-hat happened to my p-p-parents?" I stuttered nervously.

To my dismay, he nodded cautiously. I opened my mouth but before I could speak, a sharp wave of pain ran through my arm. Memories of me cutting came to mind and I looked down, bracing myself for a bloody sight. However, I observed that it had been neatly bandaged with a fabric that resembled the shirt Olli was wearing.Wait, what?!

Shakily, I looked at him again, and my suspicions were confirmed. There in front of me was a handsome boy sitting cross legged on the floor watching me, topless.

"Y-you, y-your, shirt-t, a-a-arm, n-n-nak-k-"I managed to spit out before a noise made me stop.

Olliver smirked at my uneasiness until he realised what the sound was. Gunshot. He leapt up and walked downstairs careflly, me behind him. BANG! There it was again. I tried to indentify the people with the gun and to my horror found it was the same group of boys as before.

"Olli!" one of them exclaimed.

"Now we can have some real fun" said another. I recognised the voice from somewhere. Looking at him, I saw that this one was holding the gun. It suddenly clicked, it was him. Lucas.

I gasped slightly, but quickly tred to muffle it. They obviously hadn't noticed me so no one thought  anything of it. Lucas smirked at Olli, and then tossed him the gun. I didn't know what he was going to do, but I saw Oliver's face light up. He clicked of the safety, and I started whimpering. One of the boys noticed, and nudged the boy next to him until all the boys were glaring at me, except Lucas and Olli. The one nearest to me motioned for me to, viciously, shut it but I couldn't help it.

Oliver aimed for an empty corner, and pulled the trigger. BANG! The bullet hit the wall with a resounding noise, and a dent started to form from impact. The noise terrified me to no end, and I broke. The boy nearest to me saw me open my mouth and obviously guessed I was going to scream. He came up behind me and clamped his hand across my mouth muffling the sound. I started kicking and thrashing against him because I wasn't used to such close contact, and as a reflect to his actions I bit on his hand.

"HOLY SHI-" he exclaimed.

I fell to the floor and sobbed uncontrollably. A few of them came up and kicked me just for the fun of it but I didn't care. There was an image in my head, and I just couldn't get it out. The last thing I remember was someone yellling "FREAK!" at me before I blacked out.

>Time Jump - idk how long so don't ask me xD<

"Ness?" someone whispered.

I opened my eyes and saw Olli above me. I sat up, and rubbed my head. Ouch. Memories came flooding back and my eyes scanned the room for the rest of the boys but luckily there was no one there. Oliver looked at me questioningly, which I knew meant he wanted to know why I suddenly snapped. I simply opened up my laptop and went on YouTube. I searched up a song and let it play. When it got to a certain bit, I started to sing along.

"And I don't want the world to see me

'Cause I don't think that they'd understand

When everything's made to be broken

I just want you to know who I am".

He smiled weakly at me, and I decided to get it over with. I took a deep breath and began.

"My m-mother, my mother died the day I was born. Th-there were some complications, and -"

I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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