Drunk #2

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You were at a party. And your boyfriend H/N was drunk and completely out of his mind.

"Hey babe do you want a drink because in going up to the bar ?" He slurred his words.

"I'm fine thanks but I think you've had enough drink for tonight" you replied putting your hand on his shoulder.

"No I haven't" he replied walking off.

You shook your head and sat down on the couch and watched strangers dance.

"Hey do you wanna come upstairs with me and....you know?" this guy you had never met before winked at you.

"No thanks" you replied

"But why not" he asked you, slurring his words, obviously drunk.

"Because I have a boyfriend"

"Well I don't see him now"

You stood up and started walking out the club with the weirdo guy following you.

"Can you please just leave me alone!"
You said started getting a bit annoyed at him.

Suddenly your body was shoved up against a wall. He started to pull down your skirt when his body was jerked off of you and was laying on the floor, his face covered in blood.

You looked around to see your boyfriend stood there next to you staring down at the drunk guy.

He turned to you.

"Babe, are you okay!? Did he hurt you!?" he asked giving you a bone-crushing hug.

"Yeah I'm fine. Can we just go please?" You asked a bit worried about what will happen.

"Yeah sure" he said and wrapped his arm protectively around your waist walking back to your shared

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