He shrugged. "William said I could come if I wanted." Sebastian paused. "But I don't know if I will." he added.

Maja looked at him and pouted. "Aw come on Jakobsen, you should come! That way, I won't feel as guilty for ditching movie night knowing we'll all still be together." she exclaimed, her eyes as blue as the ocean lighting up. Seb shot her a look. "Pleaseeee." pleaded Maja, continuing to drown out the 'e' until Seb said yes.

He shook his head. "You aren't going to stop doing that till I say yes, are you?"

She stopped for a moment. "Nope!" she then went back to pleading.

Sebastian paused for a moment, let out a groan, and said, "Fine. I'll guess I'll go. Someone has to make sure you two don't do something stupid."

"Our guardian angel." teased Halle, letting a laugh escape her lips. "But, you know, Maja and I never do anything stupid."

"I'm surprised you got through that sentence with a straight face."

"Yeah, me too."


FRIDAY 20:12

maja: vilde, we'll be there in like ten

maja: oh and we brought sebastian, hope u don't mind.

vilde: sebastian? as in sebastian jakobsen??

maja: . . . yes

vilde: oh! he's cute! not a problem.

maja: well. . .okay then.

maja: glad we had this talk.


Halle yelled this into the streets, holding a half—drunken bottle if Jack Daniels in her right hand as she stumbled out if Sebastian's car. They hadn't even gotten to the party yet and Halle was already slurring her words and struggling to keep herself upright.

Maja just giggled. "Halle, lets use our inside voices please!" she joked. She wondered how much fun she could have with a drunken Halle. Halle was the emotional type of drunk. Often nicer than usual, Halle usually tells everyone how much she loves them and then starts crying when an old Maroon Five song comes on.

"Oh right!" Halle laughed a drunken laugh, pressing a finger to her lips. "Inside voices." She paused for a moment, tilting her head to the side. "Have I ever told you guys how much I love you?"

Maja scoffed with a laugh. "Yes, about three times in the past ten minutes." she looked over at Sebastian. "Okay, this is last time we ever let her near a Jack Daniels."

"Didn't we say that the last time?"

The pair stepped out of Sebastian's car, a gift he had gotten from his parents for his birthday, and watched as Halle began to walk in a not—so—straight line towards the Penetrator party. Maja looked over at Seb. "I got her." She ran up to Halle, grabbed her gently by the shoulders and helped her walk in the direction of the party, Sebastian not too far behind them.

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