It's Not So Bad Until I'm With You - Kismesis

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Another day, another call in the lovely group of friends that took place on Skype. Though, Saturn wasn't in the best of moods to take part in the conversations. Glancing at the call participants, he fell his gaze on Sam's icon, letting out an exaggerated groan of annoyance. He gave the icon such a dirty look, he wouldn't hesitate to throw two daggers at Sam. Saturn despised Sam with a passion, and he has many reasons to hate him.

"Good Morning Saturn!" ^-^" Sam messaged Saturn, breaking him out of his negative thoughts.

"o, Hey CinnamonSammy247. What's up?" Saturn replied, remaining stoic throughout this conversation.

"Please don't call me that...You know I don't like that name... ; - ; " Sam stated, blushing of embarrassment. 






"Please... >~<"


"Fucking STOP!" Sam typed angrily, holding his head and pounding his fist against his desk.

"Sam." Saturn typed.


"Who told you, you could fucking swear at me?" Saturn questioned, letting a small 'tsk' escape from his lips. Throughout the day, him and Sam would let out a few arguments, and would even continue on with their debates. Evening struck, and Saturn has had enough of Sam for the day.

"Just...Stop talking to me." Saturn finished off, logging off of Skype and collapsing onto his bed. He scratched his head, and let out a mighty yawn that even the Savanna's could hear.

Saturn had passed out peacefully, yet he tossed and turned whilst visiting the dream world. He let out a small whimper, curling up into a ball and hugging his sweater with a tight grip. He wasn't very happy about the events that occurred today. Yes, he despised Sam but.. He always gets the urge to do something to him. Not negatively, might I add. Sadistic thoughts ran through Saturn's thought process, and it woke him up. He was breathing heavily, and his facial expressions would give you the impression that he was perplexed, and quite scared. 

"No...No...I hate him..! I hate him too much! I could never..." Saturn paused, to let out a cough. "Kiss him...!" He gagged out, sighing and face palming. He held his posture for a few moments, and finally rested. He stood up, pulled on some proper attire, and headed out for the door. Saturn grumbled and muttered under his breath, saying how he 'Couldn't believe he was actually doing this.' He looked up, and saw Sam's house in the far distance, and sprinted the rest of the way. The closer he got, the warmer his heart felt. He wanted to see Sam, but he also wanted to do something he'd probably regret. He arrived at the house, managing to not break a sweat. He climbed onto the steps, with his hope rising up every second. He knocked on Sam's door, and awaited a reply.

A reply, right? That was all he needed from Sam. Just a simple reply, even opening and closing the door shut to the face wouldn't kill Saturn. But what did, was no reply. So he knocked again, and waited once more. After 19 minutes, there had yet to be a reply from Sam at all. Saturn huffed and kicked away a few stones that so happened to be nearby, turned around, and walked away in a frustrated manner. 'Why did I even come in the first place!? He hates me, and I hate him. It's as simple as this relationship gets. It's not like he'll forgive me anyway.' Saturn thought to himself, looking down on his journey back home.

Without noticing, Sam had turned away from his window, and stared at the screen that held his and Saturn's last conversation. Sam was aware of the kismesitude that held him and Saturn close, even if Saturn himself wasn't very aware of it.  But it was missing something... It was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't quite get it. But then it hit him, and he jumped onto his chair and had started to type.

"Saturn?.. You probably don't want to talk but.. Mind if we meet-up at the park, alone? Sorry if you still hate me, I'd hate me too... :/ well... Even more than usual. But, take it as a birthday gift. Tomorrow okay? You better be there. ;; - ;; "
Sam pressed 'Enter' and laid back in his chair, letting out a big breath that has being aching to escape his throat. Now, it was time for the waiting game.

Sep. 26th, Saturn's Birthday. He was finally turning 16, but he didn't have time for his Me Time. Yet. Saturn stumbled out of bed, and got ready for the day. He slipped on his special little sweater that he only wears for important days or events, after all, his cousin got it for him. He'd be devastated if he were to ruin it, and would never forgive anyone who would screw it up. Well aside from all of these thoughts, Saturn had to scurry off somewhere. He rushed towards the park, spotting Sam in an instant. Waddling towards him, the two made eye contact with one another, then Saturn darted his eyes to the bag Sam held. Approaching Sam, he pointed at the bag and looked up at him. 'God he's a head taller than me...' Saturn thought, shaking a bit. Sam sighed and held out the bag.

"Do you want it or not?..." Sam asked, huffing. Saturn snatched it, and peaked inside. He made a face that... Seemed a bit... Lost. He took out the bag of bread and gave Sam a death glare. "Is this some kind of shitty joke?" Saturn exclaimed, looking a bit pissed.

"What like that face of yours, Saturn?"  Sam asked, tilting his head innocently. Saturn grumbled and steamed up. "Shut the fuck up, Sammy Boy!"
"Shut up?" Sam snickered a bit. "I can fix that face if you want..." He stated, slipping his hands into the grip of Saturn's, and  pulling Saturn in for a kiss. Saturn felt the warmth of Sam's lips connect with his, yet he was frozen in the kiss for several minutes. Though, he managed to kiss back, and shut his eyes. Blush was all their faces said, as Sam cupped Saturn's face - deepening the kiss.

The kiss was fairly short, but to them it felt like years. Saturn fluttered his eyes open, witnessing the predicament he put himself into. His eyes widened, and he pulled back slapping Sam across his Latino face.
"Bitch who told you, you could kiss-- FUCK!" Saturn was abruptly interrupted by Sam smacking him right on top of his head. Sam held his cheek, and pouted.
"Karma sucks, doesn't she...?" Sam pointed out, and the two exchanged death glares.

After that day, they didn't bother to speak about it ever again. Surprisingly, Saturn dubbed it to be the best Birthday yet. Well, and worse. I mean, who would love to kiss their rival?

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