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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I go over the 5000 word limit?

No, you cannot.

2. Does the story have to be a certain genre?

It can be of any genre you like, from action to fanfiction!

3. How will I know if my story has been entered?

After the deadline, the stories will be added into reading lists. If you don't see your story added to a reading list (somehow connected to this account or another one we made - which will be obvious), then let us know so we can do so.

4. What if I miss the deadline?

Unfortunately, if you're late it may not be entered. However, there's a chance it may be but don't leave it to luck - post it nice and early!

5. Will votes or followers hinder my chance of winning?

No! Not at all. We aren't taking into account any of that. We're looking for good plots and great writing overall - including grammar!

6. Will I know who has read my story or know when it was judged?

No, to keep the suspense high and the tension making you nervous, we will not be voting or giving feedback to anyone.

7. When will winners be announced?

It's hard to say as it depends on how much we have to read! But, don't expect results earlier than February 2017.

8. I don't have any other works, so if I win what happens to my review/cover?

You can always donate it to a friend!

9. How do I enter my story?

Check back at the previous chapter - we tell you there!

10. Does it matter if my entry is really short? (Not like 5000 words long).

No! It can be as short as you like it to be - the 5000 is a maximum, not a minimum.

11. I can't enter this year - will there be a next year?


12. Is this an official Wattpad contest?

No, it's just a group of authors coming together to make an awesome contest!

13. Where do I post my story?

All you need to do is publish it on Wattpad! But, make sure it's on public and not private or it won't be seen/entered.

14. I'm not Christian so I don't celebrate Christmas - can I write about something else?

Yes! We accept all November/December/January-time religious festivals, as well as Winter Theme for atheists!

15. I made changes to my story after the deadline, will they be seen?

We can't guarantee that if you edit after the deadline that it hasn't already been read. But, you might just be lucky enough that the author hasn't judged your story yet and will see that version!

16. Can I enter my story into other contests?

Yes, of course you can as long as it fits our guidelines!

17. Can I have a foreword/summary then the chapter in part two?

Yes, that is acceptable.

18. Can my entry be the first chapter of a book I am writing/will write?

Yes, however, we will only read the first part (or second if there's a foreword).

19. Can it be written in 3rd person?

Yes! It can be written from any perspective and tense that you want.

20. My question isn't answered here, how can I get an answer?

You can either inbox this account or comment down below.

End of FAQ page.

The Christmas Contest 2016 (#TCC2016)Where stories live. Discover now