Chapter 2: 4x07

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"Even as a hostage, I help you solve murders," Castle says, "Beckett. I think... I think you have the perfect partner."
"Yeah," she replies, with a giggle, "except, he doesn't like doing paperwork," she argues, with a smile.
"So, Old Haunt? I'll buy you a drink?" Beckett asks.
"No," Castle answers, "but I'll do you one better," he suggests, Beckett answering with a smile. Getting out of his chair, Castle grabs Beckett's coat, and helps her in it, then grab his and puts it on. They walk together through the bullpen, to the elevator in silence. The elevator and car ride to the loft was silence, as well, yet it was a comfortable silence.
"My mother is going to be so happy to see you, you know?" Castle says, breaking the silence on the walk out of the elevator and to his door.
"Oh, I doubt it. She's probably sleeping. It was a hell of a day." Kate scoffs.
"If you say so," Castle says, grinning as he opens the loft door.
"Oh, Kate. Oh, darling. You can join us. Oh, you great beautiful creature, come in," Martha greets, Kate with a hug as soon as they're in the door. She lets out a chuckle as she looks at all the food on the table, then she looks back to Castle. "I told you," he whispered, and gave her a wink.
"Oh, wow. Martha, you really... outdid yourself," Kate says, as she lays her coat over the chair.
"Oh, I did," she said, "facing death demands celebrating life. Tonight, we feast."
"Where's Alexis?" Castle asks his mother.
"Oh..she all.. uh..." She points towards the office with a cringe. Castle nods in understanding "Excuse me, one minute," he says to Kate, receiving a nod. While Castl walks towards the office, Martha picks up a wine glass and points to it. "So, yes..?" she signals Kate for wine. "Yes," Kate answers. She pours herself and Castle a glass, and waits for him to return.
Shortly after, Castle and Alexis come out of the office, and Kate meets him halfway with a wine glass. "Ah, thank you," he says, accepting the glass, and Kate gives him a smile. "And, I didn't get a chance to properly thank you for saving my life."
"Oh Castle, there's no need. We're partners. It's what we do."
"Yes," he agrees. "Some of us more than others, of course," he adds, about to clink glasses with his partner.
"Wait," she says, pulling her glass back. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asks.
"Only that this is the 8th time you've saved my life. I've saved your life 9 times," he explains.
"Okay, first of all, I can't even believe that you are keeping score. And secondly, there is no way you've saved my life more than I have yours. Nine? Please," she says, rolling her eyes and turning to go to the table.
"Hmm," he hummed, following behind her. "Let's review, shall we? The first time, I distracted the mad gun man with a champagne bottle. And yes, that was a save. Even you admitted it. The second time, um, the serial killer who placed a bomb in your kitchen while you were taking a shower. I had to brace the hellish flames to pull you out of your bathtub. Won't be forgetting that anytime soon," listed as he sat at the table. "The third time, when I shot the gun out of that serial killers hand before he could shoot you."
"That was just a lucky shot," Beckett argued.
"Maybe, but it was a save. The fourth time, I had to tackle so you wouldn't get shot. The fifth time, when I shot that woman behind you so you wouldn't get shot—" Castle paused.
"What Castle? Can't think of anymore love saving moments from Captain Castle?" Kate asked sarcastically.
"No, no, I've just realized how many times a gun has been pointed at your back...and at your front. How many times you've been in danger," he says softly. "And how many times you could've been taken out of my life."
"Castle..." Kate says softly, taking his hand in hers.
"Oh, Richard dear. No drama tonight, be thankful Katherine is here. Be thankful we're all here. We're celebrating life, so don't ruin the feast with your could've's." Martha interupts, trying to lighten up the mood.
"You're right, mother. I'm sorry," he said, and squeezed Kate's hand in reassurance for her as well.
Dinner went by quickly, only with some small talk. Castle started the dishes, while Martha and Kate cleared the table. Kate joined Castle with dishes after Martha said goodnight and went upstairs. "Kate, you should've have to help with dishes. You're a guest. Go sit, and enjoy your wine. I'll join you when I'm done," Castle says.
"Castle, I've been her hundreds of times. I've helped with dishes hundreds of times. I'm able to help," she argues, and puts her hands back in the sink to help.
"I know you're able, but there only a few left. I've got it," he laughs, and takes her hand out of the soapy water.
"Castle! Stop. I can help," she laughed. Taking the plate out of Kate's hand for the third time, he took her hands in his and tried to guide her away. "Stop, Castle!"
"No, you're going to sit down and relax."
"I will. After we finish the dishes."
"Castle, you're getting water everywhere!" she laughed, and turned to get a towel. He knew this was his chance to make her get out of the kitchen, so he wrapped his arms around her from behind and picked her up. "Ah!! Castle!! Put me down!! You're getting my clothes wet!!" she screamed and laughed. "Stop!!"
He walked through the kitchen and to the back of the couch, set her on the other side. "Now, stay. I will finish cleaning up, and you are going to sit here and relax. I'll bring you another glass of wine, then when I'm done I'll come to join you. Understand?" he said, more of an order.
"Fine," she said, rolling her eyes.
"Good girl," he said, kissing her on the forehead. Kate froze, and looked up at Castle, but he just threw her a wink and went back to the kitchen. Slowly a smile crept up onto her face. She watched at he did the dishes, and quietly moved off the couch and went back into the kitchen. He was turned away from the kitchen entryway when she dipped her hand in the water and came up behind him. Still unnoticed, she jumped onto his back, piggyback style, running her soapy wet hands all over his hair and clothes. "Payback!!" she said, laughing.
"Hey! That's not fair!" he argued, gripping her legs. She laid her head on his shoulder.
"It's what you get. Karma's a bitch." Castle let a laugh, as he back up to the counter, letting Kate sit down. He stepped away to get a towel, then stepped back into the V of his partner's legs. Kate looked down, then looks up at Castle. She bit her lip, which then turned into a shy smile. Expectedly, he smiled back and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear, then cupping her cheek in his hand. He started to lean it, but Kate placed a hand on his chest to stop him. "Castle," she whispered.
"Shh..." he stopped her, pressing his thumb to her lips. "Just, not more talking. We can talk tomorrow. Tonight, we are celebrating life," he
said, then pressed his lips to her's. Giving in, she kisses him back, moaning into his mouth. His tongue skimmed along her bottom lips, and she opened in accepted. As Kate ran her fingers through his hair, Castle ran kisses along her neck and jaw as his hands ran underneath her blouse. Leaning her head back to grant more access, Castle moved lower to her chest, tasting as much as he could without ripping her shirt off. Kate pulled his head back up to reconnect their mouths. "Castle. Bedroom. Now," Kate said, in between kisses.
"God, it's like you read my mind," he sighed in relief.

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