“You’re drinking? Zack, come on.” You snatched the bottle and tried to take it away from him, but he pulled it and kept it out of your reach.

“Leave me alone.” He looked off at the wall.

 “Where did you even get that?” You scolded, trying to snatch at the bottle again. As you lunged forward, he put his forearm up so it was pressing against your collarbones, then he stood up while pushing you back with that arm. It was a bit of an aggressive shove, but it didn’t exactly hurt...mostly it just intimidated you. 

“Zack, your parents wouldn’t want you to be acting this way.” You stood your ground.

“And how do you know anything about what my parents would have wanted? This is from his stash after all.” He said, glaring at the bottle.

“It was your fathers?” You asked, trying to calm him down.

“Mom insisted we keep all his stuff the way it was, in case he came back one day. You’d think she would have learned the rotten bastard’s never coming back.” He pelted the bottle at the far wall of the bedroom, causing you to jump and gasp. The bottle shattered and the remaining liquid leaked down the wall and soaked into the carpet that was now covered in glass.  He saw that you had tensed up and took a step towards you, but you clenched your eyes shut and dropped your head down. He hesitated then sighed and sat down on the bed again, holding his head in his hands.

“I thought your father died in the Wutai war…he was a SOLDIER…”

He scoffed and shook his head, “When I was younger, I remember him disappearing for months at a time, and my mother had always told me he was off on military business…but when I was eight years old mother had sworn he went off to the war, and died honorably in some strange country…I did some digging later on, and found out that the stories of battle and glory were all tales a kind mother made up for her son. My father wasn’t a war hero, he wasn’t even in SOLDIER. He was a loser with an alcohol problem that went missing for months at a time. One day he just didn’t come back.”    

“I don’t…why didn’t you tell me?” You asked, bending down to one knee and reaching out to put a hand on his shoulder. He quickly sat up and pulled out of your reach, and held a hand over his eyes.

“Why? What difference does it make?” He let his hand down and you saw that his beautiful blue eyes were surrounded by painful looking redness.

“Because I would have understood…Out of everyone, I would have…” You tried your best not to let your own eyes start watering. You had Luxord for a father, and that was such a black mark on your heart that you still carried around with you. 

He looked you in the eye for the first time, and you flinched slightly. You could see in his eyes that his heart was broken. He leaned in, his hand aiming to land on your cheek or your jaw, but you turned your face slightly to the side to avoid his hand. His hand dropped down onto his knee and he let out a pleading whisper, “Why?”

“You’re drunk…and you’re sad. You’re not yourself right now.”

His eyes seemed to flash with anger for a moment and he stood up, causing you to jump back and fall from your knees to your butt. He took a step closer, then stopped dead at the sound of a new voice.

“Fair, that’s my sister.” Cloud walked into the room with a scowl on his face.

Zack looked like he had been hit by a bag of bricks as he looked up and saw the tall blonde for the first time in months. “C-Cloud?”

“Come on, get some stuff together. You’re staying at our house.”

“I’m what?” Zack didn’t exactly sound as happy as you had hoped. It was probably a good idea to get him out of this house and under some kind of supervision. If the bottles around the room suggested anything, he was going to drink himself to death before anything else. Besides, you couldn’t imagine what being in the house where he saw his mother gutted was good for him.

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