Chapter 5

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I felt a warm hand being placed on top of mine and opened my eyes only longer enough to see Elizabeth at my side with her eyes red and holding her hand over her mouth. I saw black for a few minutes and then I opened my eyes again. I looked around to find myself in a strange room, in a strange bed that wasn't my own and I started to panic. I began hyperventilating and then I felt a warm hand on top of mine again.

"Ruby, you're okay... it's okay Ruby," I looked over to see Elizabeth beside me and I reached over and hugged her as tight as I could. I could hear her crying into my shoulder and I broke the hug and looked at her.

"It's okay Elizabeth, you're okay..." She sobbed again and that's when I looked down at myself for the first time. Scratches and discolored bruises covered my arms and I frowned. I traced some of the marks lightly so that I wouldn't hurt myself. I felt a tear run down my face and quickly wiped it away.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you sooner Ruby... I'm so sorry," Elizabeth cried at my bedside. I squeezed her hand and put a smile on my face even though the memories started rushing back into my mind. I smiled but I knew there were tears running down my face and my smile started to quiver and I knew I couldn't keep it for long.

"Don't worry Ruby, it's okay to be upset..." Elizabeth said as she rubbed my arm but I flinched. "I'm sorry, I'll get the doctor," Elizabeth got up and walked out of the room. I observed my arms again and with each scratch or bruise I saw, the memories became more vivid. I cried until the doctor came back with Elizabeth.

"Ruby, how do you feel?" It was a simple question but I wasn't really sure how to answer it.

"I don't know," I said what I knew and that was it.

"Yeah, that's normal for someone in you position. You probably won't believe me but you've been asleep for almost a month and a half..." the doctor said as he walked over and looked down on me. I stared at him for a minute and then at Elizabeth and after about three minutes I spoke.

"I missed my date with Josh..."

Elizabeth stifled a giggle on the opposite side of the room and I cracked a smile. The doctor smiled at me and then started reviewing all of my injuries with me. He explained that I've already be scheduled for therapy sessions and he recommends that I go to at least ten sessions before I stop going. It was a lot of information to take in which is why he said he printed out papers that included all the information that he had told me plus more. After everything was talked about, he said I was free to go. Elizabeth offered to ride me home and I accepted.

"Here's this," Elizabeth said as she tossed me something when we got in the car. It was my phone.

"Wow, you really know me," I smiled at her. I turned it on and there had to have been a million notifications... most of them from Twitter... why were all these random people mentioning me? I opened Twitter and searched for any familiar names...

"@ joshuadun mentioned you in a tweet:"

"If anyone who has the spare time, please send good thoughts and prayers to someone I only knew for a short time but still means a lot to me: @ sparkling.ruby"

I noticed that Josh had the little verified check mark by his name, that wasn't there when I first met him. He had over half a million followers?? That definitely wasn't there before. I checked my messages which had also accumulate over a month and a half. I checked the messages from an unknown number first and I had to scroll back to to beginning of them since there were multiple messages.

Tyler: Hey Ruby it's Ty and I know you won't see this right away but Josh has been really upset since you disappeared, you friend Liz said it was personal matters and that you didn't stand him up but he's still heartbroken over your absence, he really misses you and so do I

This was followed by several messages just saying that he was thinking about me and hoping for the best and stuff like that. He also followed me on Twitter, he seemed like he was popular on the site as well. I noticed that they both had the same link in their bios so I clicked on it from Josh's account which lead to an account called "twenty one pilots." Hadn't they mentioned something like that before?

I finally checked my messages from Josh. It seemed like there was one from him everyday, each one telling me that he hoped I was getting better or figuring out what was going on in my life and that he really wanted to see me soon. I normally wasn't a fan of phone calls since I never knew what to say but I think Josh deserved one from me. It only took two rings before I heard someone pick up.

"Ruby?? Is it really you? Please tell me you're alright..." I heard the concern in Josh's voice and I almost shed a tear, but I knew I had to finish this phone call.

"Josh... it's good to hear your voice again," was all I managed to say before giggling a bit and hearing Josh celebrating on the other line.

"Tyler! She's okay... yeah she's on the phone now-"

"Ruby!" I heard Tyler's voice take over the phone and I laughed. I heard the boys laugh back.

"I'm on my way home now guys, I'll try to explain things when I get there," I said, smiling into the phone.

"We'll be there!" they both said in unison and I laughed again. The phone call ended and then I started thinking, would I really be able to explain what happened?


Sorry I haven't updated this in forever. I know barely anyone even reads this story anymore but I really like it and I hope if you are one of the few people reading that you do to so yeah, thanks!

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