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When I woke up I had a horrible headache and I was in someone else's room so I started to panic then I remembered everything that happened last night and that I'm at Mr. Ealy's  house bro he's so sweet he helped me get away from those boys and he even gave up his room so I could sleep here when I looked on the night stand I saw a water bottle and some aspirin so I took those then I got up and saw a cute outfit laid out and a card next to it I picked it up and it read "My younger sister helped me buy the outfit you she has an alright since of style" the card read  so I went did my hygiene and got dressed in this 👇

 Ealy's  house bro he's so sweet he helped me get away from those boys and he even gave up his room so I could sleep here when I looked on the night stand I saw a water bottle and some aspirin so I took those then I got up and saw a cute outfit la...

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Then I went downstairs and saw Mr. Ealy he's actually so handsome I always thought he was when he was in movies and stuff but now he's my teacher but his eyes are so beautiful and his jawline is just wait I can't think about him like this he's my teacher "Hey Mariah uhm you know it's Saturday right" Mr. Ealy said yea "Uhm can we talk" Mr.Ealy said yea I said and I sat down and we talked about everything then we got to know each other for about three hours then before I knew it we leaned in and kissed and it was awhile before we pulled away I uhm wow "Wow is right" he said before he leaned in again so I moved back "What's wrong" He said you're my teacher and our age difference this is wrong "I can quit the job I have money I'm a celebrity and you're seventeen " He said It's still wrong and me even being here is wrong I gotta go I said grabbing my stuff and walking outside "Wait Mariah I drove you here" Mr.Ealy said It's fine I can walk home or I can call an uber I said walking because my house wasn't that far away then I saw my best friend Langston's car he stopped when he saw me "Hey Mariah is this dude bothering you or do you need a ride"Langston said uh yea can you take me to my place "Sure" Langston said then he got out the car and came around and opened the door for me thank you I said "You're welcome" Langston said as he got in the car "Wait Mariah I have to talk to you" Mr.Ealy yelled No you don't I said then Langston drove off "So best friend you wanna tell me what happened" Langston said then I told him everything then we pulled up at my house "You gonna be okay here by yourself or do you want me to stay"Langston asked can you stay here "Yea are my clothes still in my room" Langston said yea I said and we got out the car and we went into my house and I went to my room and fell asleep

Damn what did I just do I kissed a student and while I was doing it consequences didn't even enter my mind it's something about Mariah that's just mesmerizing it makes me forget about all the trouble I could get in when I'm with her but she doesn't feel the same way but I think I can change her mind

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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