the plan

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Rocky and cece were on their way to the studio when Rocky had gotten a text from non other than logan Hunter

Cece: seriously, Rocky who keeps texting you every minute of every single day.

Rocky: non of your business. I mean no one.

Cecelia: okay, okay.

Cece didn't even have to ask who it was, did she? When they got to the studio ty had told everyone that a change would happen for the spotlight dance.

Ty: I've decided to change up the spotlight dance a little bit.

Logan: your not gonna put me out are you? Logan said that without worriness in his eyes.

Ty: no, no I decided to add someone with you Logan!

Logan: oh good

Ty: the person dancing with Logan is going to be ROCKY BLUE!

Rocky: yay really, I mean woo hoo

Type: great, so you guys better practice, together got that

Rocky & Logan: Got it!


*with Rocky and Logan*

Rocky: I can't believe we're gonna dance together, logiebear

Logan: me too, rockypop

Rocky: what dance should we do?

Logan: probably a slow dance. I mean we are a couple.

Rocky: Ok? That would probably be a bad idea.

Logan: Why?

Rocky: well, we don't anyone to find out that were oh I don't know, DATING!

Logan:(jumps five feet in the air)Zam! okay, okay I guess we can do something else.

Rocky: Ok, let's keep thinking.... ooh I got it.

* with ty and cece *

Cece: Ok, so the plans working well, right.

Ty: sort of, but you kinda need to be part of the plan now

Cece: Why?

Ty: Because, Rocky and Logan are praticing upstairs so we can see or hear what their doing

Cece: Right! So I have to go up on the firescape and listen to their conversations.

Ty: Exactly!

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