"He took Apollo with him?" I felt kinda hurt. I'd wanted to go with him, but the trip was right before I started college. I'd have missed orientation, and Mom had said no. I thought that he'd just asked me to go, but it was normal to ask someone else to go with you on a trip if the first person you asked couldn't go, right?

Dad motioned to the other photos, the ones on the dresser top. I glanced up at them. Some of them were of family, at birthdays and parties, or out at the lake house. But there were three more of Grandpa standing next to Apollo, all in different countries around the world.

I went to pick up one of them. It was one of him that had been taken in Paris. I recognized it because I had gone with him on that trip. He was standing by the river that had ran in front of our hotel. And Apollo was next to Grandpa, standing slightly behind him with his elbows leaning on the railing.

"How hadn't I known that he was there too?"

"Apollo,-" Dad started, and stopped himself. "He's different from either of us."

I turned to look at him. It was like he was afraid of saying something he shouldn't.

"Like how?"

Dad sighed, "I can't remember how my Dad had explained it to me. But." He stood, and picked up one of the pictures from the dresser. One from the very back that I hadn't seen. "He's very different."

The picture was an old black and white one, faded on the sides a little. It showed a man and his son in front of the Brook's Antiques window.

Dad pointed to the older man. "That's my grandfather, and the boy is my father; your grandfather. This was the day that he became a Charon."

"Okay-" I said, drawing it out. Not that I didn't enjoy family history, but what did this have to do with Apollo?

Dad pointed to the window next, and I immediately saw what my eyes had missed at first. There was someone else in the picture. They must have been standing in the window inside the shop when the photo was taken.

"Who?" I asked. I felt my eyes widened as I realized it was Apollo. His hair was different, all one length so that it brushed his shoulders in gentle, dark waves. But that was the only difference in his appearance. "What is he?"

Dad replaced the photo carefully. "He's a demon. Well, half-demon, technically."

So not only were there reapers in the world, there were demons as well? I laughed, stepping away from him. "Great. Is there anything else you need to tell me about? Vampires, werewolves? What about the Boogie Man? Big Foot?"

I turned to leave. I just wanted some space, some time to think about what he'd just told me.

"This isn't a joke, Mary," he called after me.

I stepped into the hall, and ran right into Apollo. He caught me in his arms before I fall.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- I wasn't watching where I was going," I rambled, stepping back a little.

He smiled, and my heart squeezed painfully in my chest. He had those old school, classic handsome features under his different hair. He's a demon. My Dad's words floated back to me, as if he'd just said them again.

"It's okay. Did you get the tour?"

I stared. He was so normal! Maybe dad was wrong? "Uh, a little-"

"We got side tracked," Dad said from behind me. He didn't look upset, but I knew I'd probably hear about it later.

"Well, come on," Apollo said. "I'll show you the rest."

He led us down the hall, stepping into the open common area of the apartment. Straight ahead was the living room, with a small TV and an old, comfortably worn leather couch. The kitchen was to the left behind a bar, with a small breakfast nook beyond that.

To my right was another staircase that led further up to a third floor. Hidden in the shadow behind the stairs, I saw that there was a den with a few bookshelves and French doors that opened up to the wrap around balcony.

I could see Grandpa's touch every where. From the way the books were organized, to his favorite colors. Emotion welled in my chest, and I forced myself to swallow a sob.

Apollo turned back from were he stood in the kitchen, an expression I couldn't quite read on his face.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly, wiping my eyes.

Dad's hand touched my shoulder, I could feel him standing close to my back, but I stepped away. There was still too much left unsaid between us. There was just too much to deal with.

I mumbled another apology, and stalked off blurry-eyed towards the front door.  

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