Part 1

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(Third Person POV)

King Anthony arose from his slumber. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." he said. His right hand man, good friend, Grandmaster James Rhodes appeared. "What news do you bring me, Rhodes?" Anthony asked.

"I had just gotten news from the messenger. You are not going to like it your highness." Rhodes answered in concern as he stepped in the king's quarters.

"Well spit it out Rhodey." the king demanded.

"It is Richard, he has threatened to overthrow you, again." Rhodes replied.

"I am tired of my dear twin brother's nonsense. Our parents like me more than him, so that is why they made me king." Anthony said calmly.

"Should we do something to stop him, your highness?" Rhodes asked.

"Yes. There are people who can help." Anthony said while walking towards his desk filled with papers and maps. "My parents told me about a man who possesses magic he is called the First Wizard he is about 8 years younger than I." He picked up a paper that said "The First Wizard: a gifted child at the age of 8 is named 'First Wizard' by the Wizard's Keep. His name Sam Wilson, his parents both wizards of the first order." King Anthony showed the paper to Rhodes.

"So we need to find this 'First Wizard' named Sam Wilson?" Rhodes asked timidly.

"Yes, but we also have to find the most powerful confessor." the king answered. "The Mother Confessor to be precise." he added.

"Wasn't she banished from the Central Council? Why can't we just get a simple confessor? " Rhodes asked hesitantly.

"I need her. She is better than a mere confessor. That is why she is named the 'Mother Confessor'." Anthony shouted.

"Right then I will send my best knights to get them both for you." Rhodes said.

"Rhodey, make sure no one knows about this." Anthony demanded.

Rhodes nodded and walked towards the door. He said "I do hope that nothing bad happens, Tony."

"I hope so too, Rhodey. I hope so too." Anthony whispered.

(Bucky's POV)

Grandmaster Rhodes appeared in my quarters and I stopped reading my book. "Bucky, the king has requested for you and Steve to meet with him in the library." I looked at him in with a questioned face, but nodded my head in response. Rhodes walked away.

I huffed as I got up from my desk and and put my book down. I out my door and walked across the hallway towards Steve's chambers. I knocked the door "Steve!" I said loudly. There was no respond so I opened his door and found him asleep at his desk. I walked over to him seeing his sketches spread throughout his desk. There was one stuck to his face and I chuckled. I shook him and he jolted up. The paper was still stuck to his face.

"Hey Buck. What do you need?" He asked as he noticed the paper stuck to his face. He moved his hand to remove it.

"King Anthony needs us in the library." I said. Steve knitted his eyebrows and nodded. He got up from his seat and stretched. When he finished we both walked to the library.

"Why do you think he needs us?" Steve asked me timidly.

"No clue." I responded. We arrived in the library and King Anthony was sitting at the grand table.   

"Ah, gentlemen thank you for meeting with me." he said.

"No worries your highness." Steve said politely.

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