High Levels of Exhaustion

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By the time Amelia got home, she was truly exhausted. She returned to her now quiet house. When her sister Christiana had broke her leg and lost her boyfriend within a month of each other, she had moved in with Amelia. Now, she had returned back into the spotlight tenfold. She was now engaged to their brother's best friend and on her way to becoming a top sports agent.

Still, Amelia had gotten used to having her sister with her, but now it was back to normal. As she unlocked the door, she noticed that her flowers were looking a little droopy. It was time to stop by Reed's shop for some advice. For now, they would have to deal. She headed straight for her bed. 


Amelia shouldn't have been surprised when she woke up to find herself still in her scrubs. That didn't take away her disgust though. So she got up and took a shower. She almost missed the ring of her phone on her way out. Quickly, she grabbed it. 

"Hello!" she said breathless from the exercise. 

"Hey sis. How are you?" said Christi. 

"Good. What about you?" said Amelia as she slipped into a simple sundress. She ran a hand through her dark brown hair before heading into the kitchen. 

"I'm good too. Hey, I know you are busy with doctor stuff and all, but I want us to try on dresses soon."

Amelia froze as she poured her cereal.

"Already? You've been engaged only for a month now."

"I know. I feel so behind," said Christi on a giggle. A giggle! Who was this person?

"Christiana, are you okay? Did you take some special brownies?"

This time, Christi let out a full belly laugh. 

"No, I'm fine. I  . . ." Christi let out a sigh. "I just really want to marry Danny. I guess, when you find the right person, you don't want to wait."

Amelia smiled as she finished making her cereal. She was happy for her sister.  Christi's former fiance Andrew Perini was a bit of a tool. Amelia didn't want to judge him, but that is what she got from the first impression and it never changed. Amelia liked Danny much better. He was like a second brother to her. 

"Sure. Let me know when." 

"I am thinking sometime in the spring or early fall. I am giving you a head's up because I know how busy you get. Let me know your days off."


"Talk to you later."

Amelia hung up and sighed. Her siblings obviously didn't understand how being a doctor worked. They thought she was running things when really she was only slightly higher than a student in the hospital hierarchy. Sure, she had graduated, but she still was a medical gofer. At least that's how she felt. 

She sat and enjoyed her cereal in the silence. She really loved her little house. Her brother had helped her purchase it, but she was paying him back slowly. She wanted it to be in her name legally. 

She finished the cereal and quickly cleaned up. She finally had a day-off in what seemed like forever. She needed a day to herself. She needed to relax especially as she remembered the conversation she had with Dr. Marchand. 



"Ms. Delafield, I saw such promise during your internship with us. You were very knowledgable," said Dr. Marchand. 

"Thank you, Dr. -"

"Let me finish. However, a doctor is more than their knowledge. You must be able to apply the information to the situation. I've seen many students in your same position. They excel at school, but can't seem to see their patients as people and not textbook examples. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." Amelia nodded her head. 

"I believe you can do it, but it will take a lot of time and effort on your part. Please see yourself out."

Amelia stood up and left the office, more confused than anything. 


Yep, Amelia needed something relaxing. Before leaving the house, she checked her appearance again. Her mousy brown hair lay flat against her shoulders per usual. The trademark Delafield blue eyes were no longer blood-shot since she slept for most of the day. That was a plus. She wanted to look nice. 

If she thought harder, she would admit it was for a reason. 

A specific reason. 

She wanted to look good for him.  He was her pick-me-up. She needed to see him. Even if he didn't know it. 

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