Chapter 2: Fear

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(S/n)'s P.O.V.

As we walk down the worn down path, I am constantly at edge because of the atmosphere. Maybe we should have stayed, maybe it would've been safer. "(S/n)?" I hear (Y/n) sweet voice gently bringing me back to reality with a slight skip of my heart. "Yes?" I asked her. "You're spacing out a bit. Everything okay? Something on your mind?" She asks, looking at me in a worried sense. "N-no, im fine, but..." I reconsider telling her my doubts, in worry of provoking more fear upon her. Thats the last thing I'd want to do. "Never mind, sorry." I say, she didn't look too happy when I refused to tell her, but thats better than leaving her in a panic. I know she puts on a though persona, but she can be extremely fragile sometimes. I couldn't live with myself knowing I'd hurt her in some way.... All of a sudden (Y/n) comes to a halt. I look around, focusing my eyesight and hearing to the dark and quiet hallway. I look forward. Hallways would be more appropriate now. Hundreds of then, but I'm more than certain that wasn't why (Y/n) stopped. She doesn't let crap like this slow her down, she'd normally just walk through the closest one. Something's wrong. I suddenly jerk backwards as a wretched smell reaches me. It was like the previous smell, but more disgusting and intense. "I think...we found what has been killing all those kids." (Y/n) wispers to me. "Stay here, I'll go look around and see where is safe to pass." I tell (Y/n), she seemed to go a slight pale as I said this, i hate the face of fear she's wearing, it makes me feel extremely guilty and cruel. "But, I'm...I'm...s-scared..." I never thought she'd actually be able to admit that. She's not one to speak her mind, to anyone, yet somehow she managed to slip out the word 'scared'. I couldn't build up the courage to leave her alone anymore, I feel as if I'm obligated to be by her side. But we might never progress if I stay. "I'm sorry, (Y/n), but I have to see which corridors aren't safe. I promise I won't take long..." I hate having to do this to her, but if I wanted her to be safe I had no choice. "Please hurry...I don't want to be alone for too long..." Her voice trembles in fear, I hug her. "I will..." She quickly hugs me back in a tight grip, I can feel her though yet fragile body tremble whithin every second. I eventually let go and she hesitantly does too. "I'll be back soon." I tell her as I walk off.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

And just like that he disappears into the dark hallways, consumed by the shadows that loom between walls and blanket the destroyed ruins. "Scared" I thought to myself, "that's not even the tip of the iceberg...I'm terrified" I hate being left alone in a place like this.... I slowly make my way to the tunnel (S/n) wandered off to. I can't bare the feeling of being left alone in an abandoned ruin. "(S/n)?" I call out in a quiet trembling voice. I don't care if he gets mad at me for wandering off, I just want to be near him. As I walk down the hallway, I slowly realized that the hallway isn't part of the original architecture, but, in fact, was some kind of tunnel dug here, and freshly dug too. That's when it hit me, the creature is hiding here, in this very tunnel. I panic, "(S/n)!?" I call out louder. I suddenly hear breathing, heavy breathing, I guess I didn't notice it when I was so caught up in my thoughts. It's coming from behind me, I quickly but quietly make my way deeper into the tunnel. What ever I heard was after me, and by the sound of it, it was closing in on me at an alarming rate. I don't know what to do. What can I do? I quickly froze as i saw a huge hole leading to a dark abyss. Either than that, I was at a dead end. I couldn't jump, I was too afraid to see what awaits me at the bottom. I suddenly heard an odd 'cling' and a powerful hand grabbed the back of my shirt and a cyan colored smoke arose around me. Within seconds I was back outside the tunnel in which I originally went in. I couldn't help but notice the huge prints in the ground. Heavy, large, mouse-like prints. I quickly catch up to reality and lash my head around to see who had helped me. No one. No one was there. how odd... But I'm at least greatful I made it back in one piece, although I do feel a bit dizzy. "(Y/n)!" I hear a familiar voice bounce through the tunnel I went in. "(S/n)?" I asked as he arose from the shadows of the tunnel. I quickly race to his side and embrace him. He gently wraps his arms around me, creating that comforting warmth. "This place is much bigger than I originally thought." He says in a thinking tone. I was pretty caught up in my thoughts as well. I don't know whether or not I should tell him what happened. "(Y/n)..." he calls my name in a rather unfamiliar tone. "Who was with you a few minutes ago?"

End of Chapter 2

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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