this is it

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Newt chuckled as he was pretty much dragged into Thomas' house and up the stairs. Thomas opened the door to his room, dragging him in and closing the door behind them. Thomas crashed their lips together, immediately relaxing as Newt put his arms around him and held him close. They kissed for a while before Newt pulled back grinning widely and resting his head on Thomas' shoulder. He wrapped his arms around the boy and held him close, kissing the top of his head.

Newt closed his eyes at the feeling, humming happily. Thomas smiled and pulled him over to the bed, falling on it and pulling the blonde with him. Newt snuggled as close as possible to his body, resting his head on his chest, his arm wrapped around the brunette's waist. Thomas' arm wrapped around him while his other hand stroked his blonde hair.

They lay there in silence for a while, enjoying to feeling of being in each others arms again. Thomas smiled in Newt's hair as he breathe in the smell of his shampoo. He really made a good choice. He loved Newt so much it was almost unbearable. He took a deep breath. This was it. All the walls, all the masks he had been putting up for so many years...they were all about to get destroyed. They were not going to just fall and then be rebuilt again. They were gonna get destroyed. burned down.

"One day at school, My friend told me he had a crush on me. I was shocked, I had been crushing on him pretty badly for a few weeks and I never expected him to return these feelings. I had heard my dad tell story's about how it was a sin and it was wrong to love someone of the same gender, it wasn't natural. middle school...We were so young and still I knew 100% sure I was gay..."

Newt listened carefully not daring to move, afraid Thomas would shut him out again. his stomach did a weird flip and he frowned... He knew this was gonna be a sad story but he couldn't help the feeling in his stomach as Thomas said he was gay. He had never really said anything about his sexuality before.

"So when Christmas break came around...everything changed. We were just having dinner when I told them I wanted to give my friend a Christmas present. My mom just smiled but my dad asked me why I wanted to do that. My mom said it was natural that I wanted to give him a present since he was my best friend. Of course I had to be stupid and say that it was because he loved me and I loved him... My mom didn't think anything behind it. After all it's normal that you love your best friend right ?"

Newt found himself nodding slowly and he started caressing the exposed skin of Thomas' waist.

"But of course my dad being the total dick he is asked me what I meant. Me being so young back then didn't think about what would happen if I told him. So I said we had a crush on each other...I still remember the sound of my mom's fork falling on the table and the way my dad choked on his wine. Before I knew it my dad had jumped up and dragged me out of my seat slamming me up against the wall. My mom begged him to put me down and pulled at his arm. He slapped her and then hit me in the stomach and in the face..."

Newt squeezed his eyes shut as he heard Thomas' voice crack. He held him even closer and kissed his chest through the fabric of his shirt.

"The rest of Christmas break was the worst time of my life. Every single day my dad would ask me if I was still sure about what I said. Me being the absolute idiot I was kept telling him I loved him. So he beat me up. Every day. My Christmas presents were thrown away. I wasn't allowed to leave the house. I would only have breakfast. The rest of the day I would be sitting in my room, the door locked. And every night my dad would storm in and punch me before telling me to go to bed..."

Newt could tell Thomas was crying by now and began stroking up and down his sides.

"Shhh, take your time, Tommy..." Newt said in a whisper. He tightened his grip on Newt at his words. They remained silent for a while until he had calmed down a little.

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