I love you

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I sat down in the Great Hall, the ceiling looking as magical as ever. The Sorting Ceremony had just taken place; this year not many students had joined us. There was one student who instantly was put in Slytherin. Maybe he can be the next bully of the school. I played with the food that was on my plate. There was some red jelly which did look tasty but after that train journey I wasn't really up to it. However a certain red-head was. Ron and Hermione sat opposite me, Ron scoffed down his jelly while Hermione sat straight looking extremely worried. Harry hadn't arrived yet and I was a little worried but he was a grown boy, he did know a lot of curses. Suddenly Hermione started hitting Ron with her hard book and moaned, "Will you stop eating! Your best friend is missing!"

"Hermione he's probably fine!" I answered rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, turn around you lunatic!" Ron said with a mouth full of food. We all looked up to see Harry and Luna walking towards us. I looked closely at Harry's face and realised he had blood all around his nose. It looked like he had a massive moustache. "He's covered in blood again," Ginny said, "Why is it he is always covered in blood."

"Where have you been?" Hermione said with a terrified look on her face as Harry sat down between me and Ginny. "Harry, what happened?" I asked

"Later." He said, looking at me sternly. What had I done! I looked at him confusingly as Dumbledore stood up onto the podium and the golden owl spread his wings. Ginny pat Harry's nose with the bloody tissue he had. They did make a cute couple.

"Very best of evenings to you all," Dumbledore said, his deep voice surrounding the hall, "First off, let me introduce the newest member of our staff, Horace Slughorn." Everyone in the hall gave a half-hearted round of applause as a slightly-old looking man stood up and waved to everyone. He looked very happy like he had won the Quidditch World Cup. "Professor Slughorn, I am happy to say, has agreed to resume his old post as Potions Master." Confusing entered my mind, wasn't that Professor Snape's job? Dumbledore continued and said, "Meanwhile the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts, will be taken by Professor Snape."

Most people in the hall whispered words like "Snape?" or "Well he always wanted that position!" but the only applause that could be heard came from the Slytherin table. All the students smiled and applauded, even the first-years who were just coping the older kids. I looked over at Draco who I thought would be applauding as well, but he just sat there -his head resting in his hand- staring longingly at the table. He looked lost. I could see a glimpse of the ring he was wearing and realised it was the ring I gave to him. A smile grew across my face. I'm glad he found it.

"As you know, each and everyone one of you was searched upon arrival here tonight." Dumbledore continued. I did think that was weird; it hadn't happened before. They even tried to take Midnight away because they thought I had 'put a spell on her which allowed me to hide dangerous items in her feathers'. I wasn't that good at learning spells so that would of never happened. "Once there was a young man, who, like you sat in this very hall, walked this castle's corridors, slept under it's roof. He seemed to all the world a student like anyone else. His name?"

"Tom Riddle."

This caused the whole hall to look at each other with poker faces and silent whispers were spoken everywhere. The name made everyone shiver in fear. To think, a student like anyone in the hall could turn into something so horrible. Not even a monster, a murderer. I looked at Harry who stayed straight faced.

"Today, of course," he continued, "he is known as another name. As I stand looking upon you tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every minute, dark forces try to penetrate this castles walls. But there greatest weapon is you. Now, off to bed pip-pip." Dumbledore said, ending his speech. The hall was filled with everyone, stuck with those words in their head. "That was cheerful." I heard Ron say.

I walked out of the hall but instead of going up to the Gryffindor Common Room, I went down to the Dungeons. Normally, after dinner I would go and meet Draco, to say goodnight. Maybe I had been to hard on him, he was probably finding it hard with what happened to his father. I waited for most of the Sytherins to enter their common room when I saw Draco at the back of the crowd. He always was the last to go in. I quickly grabbed is arm and pulled him around the corner where I was hiding.

"(Y/N)!" He said happily, his face lighting up. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips before saying, "I'm so sorry about what happened on the train, I really didn't mean what I said." He looked down at my hand and held it in his. "It's fine, Draco, honestly." I replied looking at our hands. We stood in silence before I said, "Powerful speech from Dumbledore."

"Yeah, maybe that old man can say some words that make sense." He replied, scratching the back of his neck. We both giggled when Snape came around to corner to us. "Miss (Y/L/N), shouldn't you be in your common room, you don't want me taking points away on the first night." He said in his monotone voice.

"No Sir, i will go now." I replied. I knew he would never take points away. I was one of the best in potions. He looked at Draco and carried on walking to the common room and before I left, Draco said to me,"I love you." I smiled as I looked and said back,"I love you too." The smile on my face grew and grew. As I walked away my stomach filled with butterflies. It felt normal again.

Skipping happily, I entered the common room and saw Hermione and Ron on the couch and Harry sitting near the fireplace. Some first-years ran upstairs and a few fifth years laughed as they went to their dorms.

"Hi guys!" I said cheerily as I sat on the side of the couch and looked at them. "Where have you been?" Hermione asked as she looked up from the book she was reading: 1000 spells that you should know before leaving school. 
Her ambition to learn so much made me smile. "Oh just saying goodnight to Draco."

"So, you and him are ok?" Ron said playing with the blanket on the couch. "Yeah." I said, putting a strand of my (H/C) hair behind my ear. "Well, I'm heading to bed, I need to be awake tomorrow for all my lessons. Goodnight guys." Hermione said as Ron went up with her and we all said goodnight. As I went to follow them Harry stopped me. "Look (Y/N), I'm sorry if I sounded angry, I was just... annoyed."

"It's ok, but what happened?"

"Umm I think you should ask your boyfriend. Maybe he will tell you how I looked like a got hit with a bludger." He said sarcastically as he headed to his room.

I stood there confused. Had Draco done this? But he didn't seem annoyed at Harry. What was going on?
Hi guys hoped you liked this chapter. I hope you like my ideas.

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