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Every day after school Lani and I would train with our dad and brothers, we still do.

Lani and I have a few unique abilities that are the same and some that are different.

It's kinda weird how Lani and I are the only ones in the family that are Cytosines. Well that's what the world calls us because in our DNA the cytosine is replaced with something called Zamber.

We live with our older brother Logan at age 25, he's and average kind of guy. Blake is 19 and he's that jock kind of person. And the twins Derik and AJ at 18 years old. Derik is a popular at school and Aj is kind of a nerd, but we love him. Next is Lani a year younger then Derik and Aj. Then it's me the youngest at age 16.

I bet you're wondering about our parents. When I was 9 and Lani was 10 we came home from school and Logan told us they went missing. So we lived with our grandparents until Logan was old enough for all of us to move in with him.

Lani and I don't show off our powers, we've only practiced, and we've noticed that the more we practiced the stronger we got and sometimes it lead to new powers.

We have had our powers since we were born and only our family knows. We haven't told our best friends, Griffin,Britney,James and Clair. We first met Clair in 1st grade. Then we met Griffin through Clair. We ran into Britney at the school playground in 5th grade and met James a month later.

You know how I said we train after school? Well we dropped out this year so we can focus on training and maybe even get a job. Another reason is so we can search for our parents but our brothers don't know that yet, Lani and I were talking about it last week and decided it about time we take action and try to find them.

Now keep in mind we haven't shown off our power for 16/17 years is because scientists are trying to find out a way to make humans DNA like ours. But now that we have trained for 16/17 years I think we're ready for anything.

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