Why'd you only call me when you're high?

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Friday came later than sooner.

In my mind those four days felt like a year, because they were the worst days of my life. Alex didn't talk to me once, didn't even look at me except in the morning when I raised my hand to go to the bathroom. Not even then he talked to me. The worst thing was that he acted normal with everybody else, I caught him talking very comfortably with other students and teachers, even laughing. Something that had me boiling in rage, I was supposed to be the one making him laugh! But I was starting to think he didn't deserve it anymore. His plan was to ignore me. He didn't even warned me about it, if I remember he told me things had to go back to normal, but when things were normal we did talk to each other, everyday. I was not ready to be invisible to his eyes. And in my opinion it was something very unprofessional, he was my love interest but he was also my teacher.

All week the lads tried to cheer me up because they could see how weird I was, but only me and Julian knew what I really needed.

Damon was weird too, he acted very strange around me and he got really touchy when we were alone. I was actually tired of him acting that way out of nowhere. It didn't make sense. I told Julian about it and he just shrugged, he said I should talk to him about it if I was curious and if it was bothering me too much. I was going to talk to him at the party, I needed to know what the hell was happening.

A part of me just wanted to stay home to sleep and watch netflix, I was not in the mood to party but I definitely did not wanted to get depressed on a friday night. Especially when it was Alex fault. He was probably having a great time not thinking of me so I was going to do the same.

My doorbell rang around 11pm and I ran downstairs to open the door, my bag hanging from my shoulder. I opened the door and a smoking Julian was waiting for me.

"I take three seconds to answer the door and you're already smoking?" I asked closing the door behind me, a small smile on my lips.

He laughed and blew smoke on my face. "You know me," he dropped the cig on the ground and stepped on it. "Do you ever don't look hot as shit when you got out?" He asked getting into Damon's car that was parked outside my house.

"I do not! And thank you." I got in the backseat with a little blush on my cheeks. "Hello babe," I said to Damon.

"Hello hot date!" He exclaimed with that familiar enthusiasm of his and a handsome smirk. A few years back when I wasn't friends with Damon I used to have a huge crush on him, he never noticed me, and when we became friends Alex was already in the picture, so he was totally forgotten.

I hid my red face under my shirt and the ride started. The whole time I laughed at the boys' jokes and sang along to the music loudly. When we got to Noel's house I checked my image in front of the mirror before getting out of the car. My friends were right, I looked good.

Julian wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked to the door. You could hear the music from outside, were some people were smoking or drinking with more peace. And with all the right reasons, because inside the house it was already a mess.

There were a few lights around the house but it looked like a club. I was confused. I was expecting to see people drinking and smoking, but what I saw inside was so much more. Everywhere I looked I could see people doing drugs, puking, practically fucking against walls and tables and just going crazy. The smell of weed and cigarettes was so strong it made me kind of dizzy, I was able to see the smoke floating through the lights, also the amount of alcohol was kind of insane.

I looked back and Julian and Damon were grinning. "What kind of party is this?" I asked desperate, and maybe scared.

"A real party mate." Said a cheerful Damon.

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