Clash of Sea and Stom

Start from the beginning

"How did you find us?" The girl asked, her voice strong. Will was struck with the fact that Will hadn't even seen this infamous third person everyone was talking about.

"Oh, I just disguised myself as a Demi-god in that pathetic camp of yours and asked about your quest, they were quite glad to give me the information if I do say so myself."

The girl let out a gurgling sound before saying "Why are you targeting me? If you can get into camp then why do you want me!" The girl cried, her voice cracking in the middle of the sentence.

"Oh Theresa, you know why."


One word and all of Will's thoughts unfroze. It was that name, the name he had associated with the comforting words, words that had floated into his mind during long nights he had spent up reading. The only other thing except James that had ever touched his soul in all of his years being a legionnaire.

A name he had thought was long dead.

'It can't be. There are so many Theresa's out there. She isn't the one.'

"Emma!" Theresa shouted. A frail looking girl with stringy blonde hair shot out from a low hanging roof tackling the eidolon to the ground.

'So, there's the third person.'

Theresa picked up her sword and jumped out to help the little girl turning around to face Will she said sounding worried and aspirated. "Are you going to just stand there stupidly? I thought Romans were good fighters!"

'My Theresa or not, she's fiery.'

Will unsheathed his sword and lunged into the fight. Theresa was already there sword ready jabbing at the eidolon. Will felt the sudden urge to put his all in this fight, he wanted Theresa to see his swordsmanship and praise him for it. Will hefted his sword looking sideways at Theresa, she was backing up her stance filled with determination. She her hood faced him she seemed to be saying 'Go on prove yourself to me.'

Will was happy to oblige.

"Hey eidolon!" Will shouted the feeling brave. "What do you want with some Greek girl, She's hardly got any meat on her." Will felt Theresa's glare on his back.

"Ah Poseidon's spawn, haven't seen one of those in while. Has the the old man gone inactive? Fled the second he could? Shame he's always the most fun to fight."

Will felt cold. This was truly an old monster, talking about Olympians by their names, probably been around for a few shifts of the Western Civilization too.

"Well I'm sorry, I can't account for my grandfather's absence. You'll just have to fight me instead." Will said, not letting any fear tint his voice. He swung his blade at the monster, but it was ducked easily.

"Arrogant little brat aren't you? But Poseidon's one's always are. Tell me do they know about your Greek legacy? Do they laugh at you and tell you you're a disgrace that should never had been born?"

Will felt blood rushing to his head, he didn't just want to defeat this monster to impress Theresa anymore.

"Shut up!" Will swung his sword again, this time it cut through the monster. Will was breathing hard and sweat was dripping down his chin, he pulled his sword away from the monster. The eidolon looked astonished before it burst into dust, it probably never expected the measly Roman boy to even touch him.

Theresa grabbed Will's hand and he was torn away from the remnants of the monster.


By the time Tessa and the Roman had reached the meeting place it was raining. She and the boy had spent the entire trip silent letting the slowly accumulating amount of rainfall drench their backs. Tessa stared at the lane. She had sent Emma Bayliss to Fleet Street right past the Mrs. Lovetts pie shop. Tessa had no idea what to do with the Roman.

"So, what you're name?" Tessa asked, trying to make conversation.

"Will," The boy said shorty. "Where is the girl? The one you were with?"

"This is the meeting place."

"And I'll never hear the end of how poorly this assignment went when I get back, I'm positive that Chiron will be ecstatic about this."

"What's that?" Will asked.

'Why did I have to take on Synthia's habit of talking out loud to herself?' Tessa thought.

"Oh nothing, anyways" Tessa said trying to distract Will from her blurb. "What is a Roman like you doing all the way in Darkest London?" She was using the nickname for the East End slums. "Shouldn't you be flaunting around in the Covent Gardens of West End?"

Will smirked and Tessa was struck -not for the first time.- by how handsome he was, beautiful raven black hair, bottle blue eyes. He was a pretty little thing, even a blind woman could tell he was dashing.

"Being in the legion there's hardly time left for flaunting around Theresa." He said jokingly. "And also, for your information I was clearing out monsters, apparently they're quite attracted to the slums."

Tessa's eyes narrowed "Don't recall giving you my name." Tessa felt immediately felt uneasy. "How do you know it?"

"The Eidolon said it when we were fighting." The boy said casually.

'He only said it once, why would he remember that?' Tessa thought, she filed away the information for later.

"It's Tessa, nobody calls me that Theresa."

Tessa looked up her eyes caught sight of Emma's blonde hair drenched in dirty rain water.

"Miss Gray! I'm here. But wha' on earth is tha'? O' All the things I've seen in the slums tha' was the strangest!" Emma exclaimed her accent becoming worse in her panic.

"Calm down Emma, I've explained to you about the greek gods and well, there are greek monsters too." Tessa explained.

"But what abou-"

"There will be more time to answer questions back at camp." Tessa cut not wanting to give away the Greeks secrets to Will.

"Well Tessa, I'm afraid that your marvelous company with me must end here. I shall look back on this rain drenched evening with fondness." Will said before turning and walking off in the other direction.

Tessa rolled her eyes "Emma we must get back to camp." she said as soon as Will left her sight.

"But what abou' your friend Miss?"

"He isn't anybody you should concern yourself with."

Why was the Legion sending soldiers all the way out to darkest London? They knew that Greeks inhabited the area. So why?


Will was lying on his bed back in the fifth cohort barracks. The second he had come back Charlotte had taken to mothering him whilst Jem stood by stifling laughter as Charlotte stuffed dry clothes into his arms muttering about hypothermia. But Will couldn't care less about catching a cold or dying for that matter. Because of her he finally knew where she was. He had been sure the second the girl had said her last name. Gray. Theresa Gray.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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