Out of the Dark

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As the girl of Change runs from the dark

Her jailers call after her, they bark and bark

she can't hear them for she is free as a lark

-Dark House-


Tessa's footsteps slapped loudly against the wooden floorboards, her breath coming quick as she desperately willed her legs to move faster.

'This is a dream come true! I will finally be free from this wretched place!' Tessa thought as she tore around a corner. Her agile companion gliding ahead of her.

Of course, in her dreams she'd always thought she'd be walking out hand-in-hand with her brother. Not rescued by some odd goat-human creature. Although she understood that the creature's intentions were good.

"My name is Synthia by the way, Synthia Underwood," Her liberator announced. She had a comforting low, musical British accent, "and don't you worry I come from a long line of Keepers so you're in good hands now." Synthia slowed her pace to match Tessa's.

"A keeper?" Tessa asked, her voice breathy from running. Her fingers clutched tighter around the package she was holding as if to make sure it hadn't dissapeared.

"Yes, a keeper. I help half-bloods get to safety." Synthia explained hardly making anymore sense than before.

'Half-bloods?' Tessa's mind buzzed with questions but none of them seemed to be close to getting answers.

"That's the exit." Synthia told her, they were standing behind a staircase in the main room, Tessa had been here once when she was first escorted here. Tessa's heart fluttered, like a bird trapped in a cage. So close, so close to freedom. She understood what authors meant when they said you could taste it. Freedom was sweet like a fresh breeze from the outside, sour like the sweat from the hard work to accomplish it.

"Now, now dearie, you do not truly think we would let you make such an easy escape?" a voice taunted from behind.

The taste of freedom had turned bitter, the was bird shot in the wings before it even left the ground. Tessa felt her throat closing up. 

'I cannot lose composure here.'  Tessa thought willing her eyes to not water from disappointment. 

Mrs. Black and Mrs. Dark were standing there behind them in the hallway smiling triumphantly at the look of anguish on Tessa's face.

"Miss Grey please move behind me, I'll be damned if another half-blood gets hurt." Synthia demanded, before muttering under her breath. "I knew I should have stuck to basket weaving! No bloody kindly ones ready to chop my head off!"

"Do you remember what we did when we caught you trying to escape last time?" Mrs. Black warned, ignoring Synthia's presence.

Tessa shuddered, skin prickling at the memory of the whip burning lines into her, the searing pain she was in afterwards. She hoped she would never experience that again.

"Yes," Her voice cracked and she tried again. Stronger this time. "Yes, I do remember, but I'll never let you torture me again! Not even if I die trying!" She said, surprised at how true the words were. She couldn't help but feel victorious at the look of shock on the dark sisters faces.

"I would have loved killing you but sadly I have orders from the Magister." Mrs. Black said recovering from her shock before her sister. "However he never said anything about any satyrs you might bring along" Mrs. Black said eyeing Synthia with distaste. Before lunging at her, a scythe materializing in her hands.

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