A Birthday To Remember

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The air is fresh as you step up to the front doors of the mansion. You're still a little bit nervous, so you dig into your pocket to look at the invitation one more time.

It reads in blue, ariel font:

You are cordially invited to a soiree hosted by EXO to celebrate Wattpad's official birthday party. Dancing and ice cream, hot dogs will be served very plentifully. We do hope to see your pretty, adorable face there. November 22nd, 2016 at evening. Please dress in your best club wear and don't forget your presents for the present swap!

You take a deep breath and are about to walk inside, when the door suddenly swings with a whoosh!.

You're surprised to see EXO standing there in the flesh, all handsome, cute and awesome. You're not sure if you have the courage to talk to them right now, so you scurry inside like a(n) puppy and join the party, making a mental note to drum up a conversation with them later on over on music.

Once inside, the party takes your breath away. Everyone is already dancing wildly on the dancefloor.

Growl-EXO plays loudly from the speakers and you can't help but do the moves. You had always shipped EXO and SNSD so you're not entirely surprised to see them flirting together in the corner. Rachel Renée Russell and Wonhot are having a rap battle in the centre of the room, while several EXO-Ls are gushing over the latest update of SM Trainee on their phones.

The whole atmosphere is electric. It looks like Wonderland on Earth in the middle of Summer and you can't imagine anything better.

"Happy Birthday, Wattpad," you say with a smile, "Here's to another 10 years!"

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