Chapter 2

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Jesus Christ... why is the sun so damn bright? Is it morning already? My god... it's too early.
I swing my legs over the edge of my bed. I yawn and stretch. "Good morning Springfield..." I stand and look at myself in the mirror on the door. I should probably put on some pajamas. I walk over to my suitcase on the ground and pull out a spaghetti strap tank top and some fuzzy fleece pants. The shirt is really tight. I smooth my hands down my curved sides. I realise that my boobs were basically falling out, so I threw on a robe, too. I go downstairs, and unbox my tea maker (I don't know if that's real, but pretend it is, okay?). I yawn once more while watching my tea drip into the pot thing. I waited for the beep, and I stared going through boxes to find a tea cup or a mug or sorts. And guess what? I didn't have one. How convenient. "What? I thought I had one? What hap-... oh yeah." Got rid of all my glasses and cup to make room for pots and pans. Maybe Bob is up. He has to have some. I went outside with my robe wrapped around me. I sat on the railing of my front porch. I sat there for a few minutes listening to the sounds of the morning until I heard my name.
"Alice! Good morning!" Bob waved at me with the newspaper in his hand. I jumped off the railing and walked on the grass towards the bushes that separate our houses. The grass was cool and wet with morning dew.
  "Good morning, Bob." I put my hands on my hips. Bob walked over to the opposite side of the bushes. My robe un-wrapped itself a bit.
  "How did you sleep last night?"
  "Great, actually." I made gestures with my hands.
  "That's goo- Um Alice? Your chest is a bit uh..." I looked down at my bust to see that my boobs are about to fall out. I quickly fix them  right in front of him.
  "Sorry, It's kind of hard finding shirts that fit me. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a tea cup, would you?" I wrap my robe back around me, and cross my arms so it doesn't un-wrap again.
  "Yes I do. Did you make some tea?" He looked excited slightly.
  "I did. Would you like to come over and have a cup or two?"
  "If it wouldn't be too much trouble. Want to come in and pick a cup? I have a lot with different beautiful designs on them." His poetic voice a bit sing-songy then. I nodded, and walked around to the other side of the bushes. He led me to the front door of his beautiful house, and held the door open for me. What a gentleman. He escorts me to this large dining room. Large? Large!? Jesus! This room is the size of my whole house!
  "Wow! This is huge! And beautiful! Look at that dining room set! How much was all of this?" I was in awe. It was so beautiful! All the wood in here was either Japanese Oak or Sequoia. The ceiling was really high, and there were shelves high up with assorted pottery.
  "Only an arm and a leg (SORRY FMA REFERENCE I HAD TO)." There was quite a large empty spot, so I spun around in that spot. Once again, my robe un-wrapped itself. Well damn. I give up.
  "Do you need a larger shirt?" He asked.
  "No thank you. That tea is going to get cold..." He put the newspaper down, came over to me, and guided me to another room. The room had a smaller table in it, and there was art work hung up on the walls. In the back of the room there was a cabinet with all sorts of tea cups and matching saucers. Some were blue with white detail, some were red with gold detail. They all were beautiful. There is this one, however, that caught my eye. The cup and the saucer were plain white. That's it... just white.
  "That one. Up there on the top shelf. The white one." I pointed at it. The shelf was about 2-3 feet taller than me. Robert went over to the cabinet, got the set and handed it to me, and grabbed another that was all black. I looked inside the cup and there was a black circle painted on the bottom of it. Same for the saucer.
  "What's with the black spot?" He showed me the inside of his. There was a white circle painted on the bottom of the black cup.
  "You do know what a Ying-Yang is, don't you?"
  "Of course. Good in the bad, and bad in the good. Together they make the balance of the world." He tipped his cup to me, and nodded. "Oh I get it. These are really pretty, Bob."
  "You can have those. I'll keep the black ones. Let's head over, shall we?" We walked over to my place, and sat down at my dining room table. I had to re-heat the tea, since it got quite cold. I poured some in his cup and in mine.
  "Merci." he spoke in French, which was only slightly attractive. We talked about simple things at first. Like what my plans were and how long I plan on staying. Then the conversation changed to politics and science. Mainly science. Also, it turns out that we both happen to like classical music. You'd think that we are the only two people on the planet who like symphonies and operettas. A few hours (Yes hours. We lost ourselves in conversation) passed by, and Bob decided he should be going. He thanked me for the tea and the time, and I thanked him for the tea cup and saucer. I walked him out the door, stood on my porch, and watched him walk up to his porch.
  "We should do this often. It's fun." I shouted over.
  "I agree. How does Saturday mornings sound?" Bob suggested. I gave him a thumbs up, and he waved at me and went inside. I also went into my house. I needed to get dressed and find a job. I dash up the stairs and unpack a towel, washcloth, shampoo and conditioner, and body-wash. I took a nice long bath, and showered after (you know what I mean). Then I actually got dressed. Just a T-shirt and some skinny jeans. I felt kind of hungry, and since I needed to explore this town, I decided to find a grocery store. It took awhile, but I found one. Kwik-E-Mart is what it is called. I got out my truck, and started walking towards the door. There is a help wanted sign in the window. Score. I'll apply for a job here. I walk in and I am greeted by a man with an Indian accent.
  "Welcome to Kwik-E-Mart. Please buy something."
  "I uh would like to apply for a job here?" he pulls a clipboard with a piece of paper and a pen out from somewhere and hands it to me. He walks away to a room behind the counter. I fill in the paper and place it on the counter. I look around for some things to eat. Ramen Noodles, milk, cheap cereal, and frozen burritos will suffice. I bring all of it to the counter too and wait for the man to come back. He eventually did.
  "Your total is 16.54$." I pay him the money. "I will call you about the job once I go over it." I pick up my stuff off the counter.
  "Thanks man."
  "Good-bye, and come again." I walk out and place everything in the truck. I start it up and back out of the parking lot.


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