8 - Concern fills the air

Start from the beginning

Uta gave me a nervous smile then leaned over to my ear "I need to talk to Shiki real quick I promise I'll be within sight but will you be okay?"

"Yeah I'll be fine just come back as soon as you're done."

"Kay love you."

"Love you too."

As soon as he left the girl with red hair came up to me.

"Hi so Shiki and I were talking earlier and we were wondering how much do you know about Uta's past with relationships?"

"Oh I see we're skipping straight to the point I said as I laughed a bit."

"Yeah sorry I just don't have much time before Shiki can't distract Uta any longer."

"Well I know some vague details but not who he's been with or what happened with them."

"So just tell me what you do know."

"I know he was very closed off before me and was probably sleeping with anyone that was cute or attractive since he jumped me the second he saw me."

"Haha that's true he was quite the man whore but what else?"

"His last breakup he had to be watched 24/7 so he wouldn't kill him self and almost succeeded a couple times."

"Wow he told you that? So I'm guessing then that you know how bad he would take this breakup if you guys did breakup."

"Yes... it scares both of us. I would rather die than hurt him in anyway."

"You really love him don't you?"

"Yes I do! He means the world to me."

"And Shiki said he heard Uta purring is that true can you two purr for each other."

I hesitated a little she looked very worried about my answer."Yes."

"How did you guys discover that!?"

"Well it was in the morning and I had woken him up because I was singing in the kitchen and then when the song I was singing to was over he started clapping and scared the crap out of me."

"Haha sounds like him I swear it's like his feet have a spell on them so he can't make noise."

"Yeah after we talked a little bit we watched Netflix and after a while he started to tickle me so I ran for cover and hid. When he passed me I jumped on his back and began kissing his neck. When I stopped I just buried my head into his neck. I just felt so comfortable and happy and before I knew it I was purring."

"How did he react?"

"Well I jumped off his back as soon as I felt his back stiffen and I freaked out a little bit but all he did was ask me if I really felt that way as if he couldn't believe it. I said yes and he just smiled and started purring."

"Wow that's amazing you two have only known each other for a week now and you're both purring. I'm more surprised though that you were the first to purr."

"Why is that?"

"Because this wouldn't be the first time Uta has purred for someone but this would be the first time someone has purred for Uta and not only that but you did it first."

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