Victory, Finally

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With the cheers come fists in the air and eyes flung wide. We are electrified, awake, soaring to new heights of emotion. Sweat is pouring down my face. My heart is smashing around in my chest, my lungs screaming for air. My leg feels shattered and my arms feel defeated. I slowly stand on my good leg and reach for my flare gun. Mission success. I hold up my flare gun and shoot off a green round. It feels so relieving as the green smoke fills the air. I pushed my body past its limit today but it was all worth it. 

While there is a body count, I feel a shiver down my spine. There are very few Titans left with Wall Maria but I can't help feel something is wrong. I look around from a rooftop and can't see anything too out of the ordinary. I take deep breaths and slowly transform into my ears and tail. I sniff the hair and listen for anything that shouldn't be heard. 

I can smell someone but I don't recognize. I made it my duty to become familiar with every single person's scent that is apart of the military to avoid things like this. Whoever this person is, shouldn't be here. "Levi! Hange! Mikasa!" The three look up from the ground. "I want a survey of the area. Anything out of the ordinary, report it immediately!"

It only takes minutes before I hear a loud boom and lightning stricks. I jump down and zip toward the noise. The first thing I see is Levi hunched over on a roof, clenching his side. I rush to his side. "Levi, what happened?!" 

I lift his hand to see a piece of wood lodged in his side. He winces, turning over to sit up. "I'm the least of our problems."

I look up and see what I truly didn't want to see today. The Beast Titan. His body structure and facial features are like that of a human's, he walks upright like one as well. He stands at 17 meters in height. Dark fur covers the large majority of his body, with the exception of his face, hands, feet, and torso. His arms are elongated, with long fingers and fully-functional thumbs. The proportions of his upper body are similar to those of the Colossus Titan, possessing a massive chest and small head, as well as disproportionately slim arms. 

He's standing nearby a home that he doesn't tower over, much like the others. He turns his head to look directly at me. I slowly stand, never losing eye contact. I can hear the soldiers trying to come to the rescue. I quickly fire a red flare round. They all stop wherever they are. The closest people I see is Connie and few others of my Elite Squad. "Stand down, all of you!" I yell. 

Connie looks at me with rage. "Commander! I-"

"That was not a request! It was a direct order! I will kill you myself if you don't stand down!"

I see him spit but he does back away. The Beast Titan smirks, making his way toward me. It only takes a couple of steps before he's standing before me. He stinks. He smiles, revealing his large and pointed teeth. "You must be the notorious Saichi Yamazaki."

That confirms you're human, not that I had a doubt about that. However, it just raises more concern about who this person is. if he knows who I am, he has to be active within the walls. I simply smirk, nodding. "You must be the notorious Beast Titan."

"It's almost an honor to be able to make your acquaintance. I see you were successful in sealing Wall Maria."

"Naturally. Are you going to destroy our hard work?"

He tilts his head to the side. "And why would I do that?"

"I believe you know more than I do."

"If I did intend to kill all of you, how would you stop me?"

I run my tongue over my fangs, growling. With Levi injured behind me, and Eren asleep in one of the carriages, I'll be damned if I allow this thing to act out. "If you know who I am, you know I can take you on myself." His expression softens. He must like that idea. I narrow my eyes, nodding. "That's what you want."

What More Could I Want (Book #1) AOT Fanfiction *COMPLETED*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ